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Change Your Words, Change Your MarriageПримерок

Change Your Words, Change Your Marriage

7 ДЕН ОД 10

 You Can Become Offense Proof in Your Marriage 

What would your marriage be like if nothing, I repeat, nothing that your spouse said offended you? I know you are thinking right now, “What planet is this guy from—‍Mars?” Please give me some space and read with your spiritual eyes.

Medical News Today carried a significant research article that concluded that prolonged fasting (2-4 days a month) could reboot and strengthen damaged immune systems. The first time I read that article, the Lord spoke to me, “It is the same with your spiritual immune system.” At the time, I had never heard the words, spiritual immune system.

The Lord showed me that in fasting words, your spiritual immune system is regenerated and strengthened. If you have damaged your marriage with negative comments, fasting words will have an even more significant exponential effect positively.

There is a thrilling truth here for your marriage. Deep in your spirit, a reversal process begins when you fast complaining, criticism, sarcasm, judgments, and gossip. When you stop complaining about your spouse, gratefulness will increase for him/her. Being less critical will cause hope to soar in your mate. Fast sarcasm and joy will spring forth in your relationship. Stop judging your spouse, and they will stop judging you. Rid your marriage of gossip, and you will build trust with your spouse.

In the reversal process that is taking place from fasting words, an electrifying, serendipitous effect is happening. You are becoming offense proof.

One of Satan’s most effective strategies to destroy unity in marriage is offenses (remember, God’s essential purpose for your relationship is unity). Few things can obliterate unity faster. There is a reason Jesus taught about offenses and warned, they will come! (Luke 17:1) The opportunity for an offense is incredibly real in marriage. Offensive actions and words lurk over and again daily: small, large, nightmarish, and nasty. They cripple intimacy.

Without faith, it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). I want you to pray under your breath as you read this. Pray that God will increase your faith.

You can become offense proof!

Fast complaining, criticism, sarcasm, judgments, and gossip out of your marriage and the Holy Spirit will take you to a place where you immovable. Nothing will disturb your peace with Him or your mate. Bringing words under the governance of the Holy Spirit will offense proof your marriage.

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Change Your Words, Change Your Marriage

God’s design for couples is to pursue oneness through speaking words of truth and kindness. This 10-day reading plan by Tim Cameron will help make clear the ramifications of complaining, criticism, judgments, gossip, and negative words on a marriage. Through fasting from negative words, you will discover a biblical way to change the atmosphere of your marriage.
