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Start with Yes- A 5 Day Foster Care and Adoption Reading PlanПримерок

Start with Yes- A 5 Day Foster Care and Adoption Reading Plan

1 ДЕН ОД 5

Day 1- Overwhelming

When we walked through the foster care classes, the most meaningful thing I walked away with was the very real memory of an exercise we were asked to participate in. The social worker had us close our eyes, imagine we were a child, and verbally walked us through a story of being removed from our childhood home. I remember when she first had us close our eyes, I inwardly rolled my eyes. (Yes, you can roll your eyes when they are closed.) But as she lead us through this exercise, before I had time to even realize what was happening in my heart, I had tears streaming down my cheeks. That imaginary story is something that still puts a knot in my throat, and yet, for me, it wasn't even real. 

For every child you have chosen to welcome into your home, their story—the day they were taken from their family—those emotions are real. They may remember every detail from that day. They may miss the secret handshake they had with mom or their favorite teacher from their ‘old’ school, or their soccer team, or maybe they are missing their best friend or their baby sister. The emotions that these sweet little people come with are overwhelming, heavy, and often, too much for little shoulders to carry on their own.

“...I saw the tears of the oppressed, with no one to comfort them...”- Ecclesiastes 4:1 NLT

But in the midst, you are the physical arms to hold them, comfort them, and fight for them. You have chosen to carry some of that weight in order for the child to be a child. To breathe a little easier. To smile, and eventually laugh a little more. 

Bringing brokenness into your home does not come without feeling the weight, but through your faithfulness, sacrifice, and willingness, God shows up. 

It can seem daunting and impossible and you may doubt your own strength and ability. But know this, you have been called to stand in the gap. 

By yourself, you aren’t strong enough, but isn’t that the "secret sauce"?

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