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Adventure Together - A 5-Day Devotional Примерок

Adventure Together - A 5-Day Devotional

3 ДЕН ОД 5

Adventure Together Day 3: 

There is something extra special about adventures that take place outside. Being out in nature strips away many distractions of our everyday life. Often there is no cell service. We’re given a rare and needed opportunity to truly focus on each other and make those connections. It’s easier to have heart-to-heart talks as we walk shoulder to shoulder on the trail. We actually have time to have a conversation, a precious commodity in our busy world. Being outside, we’re inspired by the beauty around us, and natural conversation topics abound as we take in new views and experiences. Having nothing else to do but pick up shells, point out birds, admire trees, and share the thrill of finding a really awesome bug or snake builds a sense of camaraderie.

But no matter what type of activity it is—rock climbing, mountain biking, tide pool exploring, going to the park, camping—getting outside together means doing something different from our everyday inside routine, and that makes it exciting and special. It stands out. Adventuring in God’s creation makes heart connections happen in a deep and powerful way.

Getting outside also provides a simple way to reset hearts and minds after a difficult day or week or after a rough patch, however long it has lasted. Stuck inside the house, we might feel like we can’t talk to each other, focusing on all that has been going wrong. But getting out in the fresh air clears our heads and, often, mends our hearts. Adventures bring us together, even if we’re feeling far apart. All we have to do is get out the door.


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