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Quiet WatersПримерок

Quiet Waters

8 ДЕН ОД 9

Goodness and mercy will follow me, all the days of my life (Psalm 23:6a)

Never alone 

We read in Exodus 15:26, “I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord who heals you.” 

Some people think that this means that Christians will not experience the same diseases that afflict unbelievers. If this is true, then Christians would not get malaria or develop cancer, or catch COVID-19! It is important not to take any Bible verse in isolation, and also not to read only half of the verse. Also, it is important to observe the conditions attached to any promise of God and compare it with other parts of Scripture.

Our reading in Isaiah 43:1-7 contains God’s promise to Israel. 

  • How does v.1 describe God’s people? Who are God’s people today?
  • In which circumstances does God promise victory to His people? What encouragement can we draw from this in light of present global pandemic?
  • Looking at vs.3-7, what privileges and honours does the Lord heap on us?

All of this is based entirely on God’s love for us as His children. The rest of the chapter tells us even more!

Now go back and look at v.2. Strangely, the verse does not promise that we shall not pass through floods and fires. What we have, however, is the assurance that even in the midst of the flood and the fire, that God’s goodness will be our constant experience. It is for this reason we share with the Psalmist the assurance: “Goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life…” (Psalm 23:6a).

Family activity - You will need paper, pens and glue.

Find your favourite family picture and paste it on a page and draw a family timeline, identifying significant times of celebrations and challenges.

Spend time thanking God for taking you through the valleys and that He continues to watch over you. 

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