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Living in a Reset WorldПримерок

Living in a Reset World

7 ДЕН ОД 9

Nurture a pioneering spirit over a herd mentality.

Abraham left a land of familiarity and pursued God into the unknown. Isaac stayed back in a land of famine. Noah built an ark without having any prior experience in doing so. I can go on and on with the list but when you look at all the inspiring characters in the Bible, they all had one thing in common: they were pioneers.

Pioneers are willing to walk the path not often taken and to walk it alone. Herd mentality is doing what everyone else is doing and finding safety in the crowd. This new normal that we are living in requires us to have the mindset of a pioneer. Tune into what God’s been speaking to you. Respond to the gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit and step out in faith.

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