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Barriers to Making Wise Decisions Примерок

Barriers to Making Wise Decisions

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 Barriers to Wise Decisions Part VI

  In a Harvard Business Review article, Mike Erwin identified six reasons that can lead to poor decisions. So far, we’ve considered decision fatigue, distraction, lack of input, multi-tasking and emotions. Our final reason is analysis paralysis.

In today’s Information Age, we don’t lack for information. More information typically leads to a longer decision making process, especially if you want all the facts before coming to a resolution.

Since one Google search can turn up millions of results, one can easily over analyze any possible decision. 

Solomon learned and shared about moderation in Ecclesiastes 1:18 when he wrote, “For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief.”

Mr. Erwin recommends determining the pertinent information you need, not chasing more data. Once you have the important information, set a deadline for when the decision will be made, then stick to it.

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