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Your Sacred Story Matters (and How to Begin Writing It)Примерок

Your Sacred Story Matters (and How to Begin Writing It)

7 ДЕН ОД 7

Your story matters because it creates a community and strengthens the body of Christ.


I teach writing workshops and classes on my family’s island in Alaska and around the world. In every first class, when we introduce ourselves I’m always struck with the differences among us. We are women and men of all ages and stages from around the country and world. But categories disappear almost immediately as each one begins to write and share his stories. Amy and Stan write about raising their son with cerebral palsy. Laura writes about converting to Catholicism. Arabah writes about overcoming sexual abuse. Soon this diverse group of strangers has become a community of friends. Eugene Peterson has said: “Our stories are verbal acts of hospitality.

The apostle John began one of his letters with an astounding statement that describes this experience more fully. He writes to “proclaim” all that he has witnessed of Jesus in his three years with him. He writes these stories for this reason:

. . . We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us. And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ. We write this to make our joy complete.”

John knows the truth of this: when we pass on our stories of ways we’ve witnessed Jesus in this world, a triangular community is formed. We are each of us knit together as the body of Christ, and together, we are lifted into communion with God himself. Incredibly, John’s joy in the presence of Jesus isn’t “complete” until this happens!

You’ve seen already how even one week of writing has brought freedom, healing, wisdom, comfort and blessing to your life. Now, make your joy complete by joining with others in this life-changing work. But don’t worry. Even when you write alone, you already have an audience of two: you and God. And whenever you share your stories with others, know you’re creating a holy community. 

Writing Prompt: Share the stories you’ve written this week with some chosen friends or family. For further experience, join a memoir class at a local community college or community center. Or, start your own group at church, in a senior center, in your neighborhood. The group can be as small as three or as large as twenty. Your stories matter! Make your joy complete by sharing them and passing them on!

PRAYER: Lord, I want to experience the joy that John writes about. I want to pass on to others what I’ve seen and heard of you in my life. Help me write my stories. Make my life an “open book” according to your own desires. Give me the courage and the means to share them with others. For your honor and glory, Amen. 

We adapted this Plan from Your Story Matters by Leslie Leyland Fields. Learn more about this discipleship resource.  https://www.navpress.com/p/your-story-matters/9781641582193#utm_source=YouVersion&utm_medium=NavPress%20brand&utm_campaign=YourStoryMatters_82193

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Your Sacred Story Matters (and How to Begin Writing It)

No matter who you are or your age and stage of life, your story matters. From the tiniest details to the most dramatic events, your story is worthy of attention. But if you’ve missed the sacredness of your own story, it’s not too late. Here then are seven reasons your story matters, what happens when we attend to our story, and with each one, a simple way to begin.
