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Stay in Your LaneПримерок

Stay in Your Lane

3 ДЕН ОД 4

1. Practice gratitude

Focusing on what we don’t have produces discontentment and ungratefulness which is linked to depression and anxiety. Instead of focusing on all the negative things, shift your focus to what you are grateful for and count your blessings. It may start with only a few simple things, but it will get easier the more you learn to stop and look at the positive aspects of ourselves and our lives. The grass is actually not greener on the other side. We may as well learn to be content with our current circumstances so that we have more mental energy to be purposeful about the things we care most about like spending time with family and pursuing passions etc. The next time you find yourself feeling crappy about your life, try it. Bring to mind a few things that you are grateful for such as a satisfying cup of coffee, the sun shining, the sound of the birds outside or bigger things like a working vehicle, a secure job, and loving family members.

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