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Worldviews 101Примерок

Worldviews 101

4 ДЕН ОД 7

Our Bias: The Christian Worldview Explains Things Best

In this book we hope to show a multitude of ways the Christian worldview best explains the existence of the universe and all things related to it. In a systematic analysis of how each worldview approaches the ten disciplines below, Christianity claims that an acknowledgement of God’s nature and character, and the life and work of Christ, will reveal capital “T” Truth (as opposed to isolated cultural or personal “truths”). As we will see, a robust Christian perspective of each of the disciplines is clear and compelling.

Theology: The evidence compels us to believe in the existence of a personal and holy God, a designed universe, and an earth prepared for human life.

Philosophy: We will present the evidence that the notion of mind (logos) preceding matter is superior to the atheistic stance of matter preceding mind.

Ethics: The concept that right and wrong can be objectively known based on the nature and character of a personal, loving God is, we believe, superior both theoretically and practically to any concept of moral relativism or pragmatism.

Biology: We argue that the concept of a living God creating life fits the evidence better than spontaneous generation and macroevolution.

Psychology: Understanding human beings as possessing both bodies and souls, even though we are sinful, imperfect, and in need of a Savior, far outweighs expecting humans, as much of contemporary psychologists argue, to be guilt free and in control of their behavior.

Sociology: The evidence demonstrates that society functions best when the institutions of family, church, and state exercise their proper authority within their God-ordained spheres.

Law: God hates the perversion of justice. This truth provides a firmer foundation than legal theories that prey on the innocent and let the guilty go free.

Politics: Christians believe the idea that rights are a gift from God secured by government is more logically persuasive, morally appealing, and politically sound than any atheistic theory that maintains human rights are derived from the state.

Economics: We will show that the concept of private property and using resources responsibly to glorify God is nobler than coercive government policies that destroy individual responsibility and incentives to work.

History: The Bible’s promise of a future kingdom ushered in by Jesus Christ is far more hopeful than utopian schemes dreamed up by sinful, mortal humans.

Christians view these ten categories as sacred, not secular. They are imprinted in the created order. All ten disciplines are addressed in just the first few chapters of the Bible; they manifest and accent certain aspects of the created order. Further, God shows himself in the person of Jesus Christ in such a way as to underline the significance of each discipline. The integration of these various categories into society has come to be known as Western Civilization.

In every discipline, we think the Christian worldview shines brighter. It better explains our place in the universe and is more realistic, more scientific, more intellectually satisfying, and more defensible. Best of all, it is faithful to the one person with the greatest influence in heaven and on earth—Jesus Christ.

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