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Claim Your Crown By Tarah-Lynn Saint-ElienПримерок

Claim Your Crown By Tarah-Lynn Saint-Elien

1 ДЕН ОД 7


A Picture of Your True Self

Psalm 8:3; 139:13–14; Romans 5:8

God has put it on my heart to reverse any negative perceptions you may have of yourself.  He wants you to experience His love, and He wants you to know that as His daughter, you are indeed royalty! You are a queen, or princess—whatever suits your fancy. 

As little girls, we may have been infatuated with royalty, but not many of us women are conscious of our own crowns. We go through life seeking validation from our peers, our family, the media, men—it’s a never-ending cycle. We see other women as competition. We speak lowly of ourselves, dashing outright opportunities that could propel us forward. We say we don’t want to be alone, and so we look for love in the wrong places. We go from heartbreak to heartbreak, blaming ourselves when the issue has never been us. It has always been the distorted mirror.

I’m ecstatic to give you a clearer glimpse of your true self, to introduce you to the love of God and affirm your God-given crown! I’m telling you, God adores you. He knew you before you were even conceived. He positioned the stars in the vast skies, and still, He knows you by your name. He even knows your heart. He came to earth, got lash after lash—physically, verbally—He took it all just for you. He willingly gave Himself up to die for you. That’s how beautiful He thinks you are. That’s how worth-it He knows you are. He thought you were to die for. 

Jesus wants you to come to know your worth too. As you venture through these reflections this week, I hope you’ll feel the love of God ricocheting off the pages and knocking at your heart. 

I see it now: you, standing taller—your crown glistening and shining in every passing reflection. I feel that fire burning within you as you anticipate your reign. I see you owning life the way a real queen should—boldly navigating life as the royal you are with the gifts God has given you.

Do you find it difficult to imagine that God knows and loves you personally? If so, why?

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Claim Your Crown By Tarah-Lynn Saint-Elien

In order to flourish, it’s imperative every woman realizes her true worth. Too often, however, we are imprisoned by the world’s values rather than freed by God’s view: we are His royal daughters. In this seven-day YouVersion, former pageant queen Tarah-Lynn Saint-Elien helps women recognize the staggering gifts of our true status.
