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21 Days of CelebrationПримерок

21 Days of Celebration

1 ДЕН ОД 21


One of the most significant journeys any people have ever made was the journey that the Israelites experienced from Egypt to the Promised Land. There is an entire book of the Bible dedicated to the story: the Exodus.

When we read about the extraordinary experience that the Israelites had in their journey from slavery in Egypt to freedom in the promised land, there is a tendency to focus on the physical aspects of that journey; like wandering in the desert, gathering manna from heaven, or fighting nations of giants. What we often fail to realize is that the Exodus really was a journey of the heart.

While God was leading his chosen people out of Egypt through the wilderness, he was actually leading their hearts out of bondage, into new lives of wholeness.

The physical journey of the exodus was the process, but freedom of the heart was the outcome.

Exodus 13:21-22 tell us that “By day the Lord went ahead of them in a pillar of cloud to guide them on their way and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, so that they could travel by day or night. Neither the pillar of cloud by day nor the pillar of fire by night left its place in front of the people.”

This was the love of God on display. He was leading them to re-discover who they were, who is He, and what they were created for. It really was a journey that would expose, reveal, heal, restore, redeem and replenish their original identity.

Considering this pillar of cloud requires a brief pause because through the entire scriptures, clouds are pictures of promise, presence, protection and prophetic potential. Following the cloud as the Israelites did, implies being at rest in movement, rest in the journey. This is a miraculous story of grace.

Fast forward a few centuries, and all the promises God had given this people were fulfilled in the person of Jesus Christ, and the “people of God” now included others outside of the nation of Israel. The early church was born, known better then as “followers of the way” (Acts 9:2). 

This journey of freedom is real for us today. Our promised land is not a destination, it is a revelation of God’s Favour on our lives, His heart for his Family, and what He has created us to be Fruitful for.

Day 1

 “Yes, God is more than ready to overwhelm you with every form of grace, so that you will have more than enough of everything—every moment and in every way. He will make you overflow with abundance in every good thing you do.” 

[2 Corinthians 9:8 TPT]


In what way does your life, and the mindset with which you approach your every day, reflect a life of celebration?


We find this verse of scriptrue in the middle of a text in Paul"s second letter to the Corinthians about generosity. It is a generosity of hilarious proportion.
When Paul writes to the church in Corinth about this, he writes from a holistic understanding of the grace and abundance and blessing of God. Take a moment to reflect on the passage and how you answered the earlier question. In a response of inspired thankfulness, think of your own five word phrase that you can respond in thankfulness to God throughout the coming day.


God, and Lord of all, thank you for revealing to me Your readiness to be generous. This is who you are. Help me to see your grace and abundance and blessing in everything today. Amen!

Ден 2

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21 Days of Celebration

Take the adventure through God's word and see transformation in your life as you exercise the muscles of celebration. Much is made about the need for a reason to celebrate. To truly understand the Good News is to focus away from striving for personal accomplishment and instead, walking with the Father God, receiving all that has been accomplished through Jesus on our behalf, empowering us for a life of celebration.
