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HEAL - God's Heart for Healing in JohnПримерок

HEAL - God's Heart for Healing in John

26 ДЕН ОД 28

Promise of Peace 

We should never cease to be astounded by, and grateful for, being allowed to hear the words of Jesus just as they came from His lips into the ears and hearts of those He loved. In this chapter, Jesus continued to share with His disciples about events which were about to take place. Undoubtedly, they could not comprehend all that His words contained, nor can we, but let’s absorb as much as we can.  

Jesus explained how He was soon to go away, back to the Father, but that He would also soon send His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Himself without flesh and bones, to always be with them. The vastness of that is yet to be revealed, but we can operate on the promises He has revealed to us. In the last verse of this chapter, Jesus explained that they would experience some harrowing times in the near future, but that they would always be able to find peace in Him. Specifically, He said, “I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world!” Take heart, my friend, even though you may be experiencing great trouble right now, He will provide you with His peace, and ultimately, you will overcome.


  1. In what or whom have I searched for peace in the past?
  2. Do I trust Jesus as my source of peace?
  3. Since peace is an attractive quality of a Christ-follower, how can that be a living testimony to others who are seeking peace in all the wrong places?

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