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Open Heaven: 21 Days of Fasting and PrayerПримерок

Open Heaven: 21 Days of Fasting and Prayer

6 ДЕН ОД 21

Genesis 32 describes an account of Jacob wrestling with God. The Bible doesn’t explain why God decided to have this wrestling match with him, but it does describe Jacob’s remarkable response. Jacob held on to God for the whole night, not letting Him go even when his hip was dislocated! In the midst of his pain, he then demanded a blessing, and received a new name, Israel. The name and fate of a nation was transformed because Jacob decided to take hold of God and not let Him go!

Like Jacob, we too need to lay hold of God. Laying hold of God means to focus on Him and not be distracted by other things that demand our attention. It means to persist in waiting on Him until we see His face clearly, and push through the pain of our circumstances until we receive God’s blessing. Often we give up too easily, and don’t expect there to be a struggle before the breakthrough. We want to experience an Open Heaven, but aren’t prepared to wrestle through the night.

We lay hold of God through prayer. If you’re believing God to do something in your life in this season, pray continuously and consistently. When it gets tiring or difficult, or circumstances look like they’re going south, don’t give up, but keep praying! The Bible says that the fervent prayer of a righteous person yields fruit, so ask God to give you greater fervor and passion in your prayer life. 

As we near the end of the first week of this 21-day journey, make a decision to lay hold of God. Ask Him to help you grow more focused, determined and persistent in your pursuit of Him!

When was the last time you received a revelation of who God is? Ask God for a desire - as Jacob had - to know God’s name and to see His face more clearly.

What are some of the breakthroughs you are needing to persist in prayer for? Set a regular time every day or every week this year to lay hold of God for them.

Dear God, thank You for Your promises. I want to see Your promises fulfilled and experience Your blessing in my life. I want to see Your face clearly and know You more intimately. I choose to lay hold of You, and will not let You go until I have received my breakthrough. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen.

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