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The People Of God And The God Of The PeopleПримерок

The People Of God And The God Of The People

3 ДЕН ОД 5

A powerful God

“Sovereign Lord, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them.”

How did they see God? How did they approach God? How did they view God? The first Christians, that is. That band of spirit-infused, blood-bought believers who saw God work miracles in their midst and who would not be intimidated by the threats of the political and religious leaders. How did they see God?

Here’s a clue: Peter and John are threatened and released. They go back to their church family, and naturally, they go to God in prayer. Hear their prayer, or at least the start of it: “Sovereign Lord, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and everything in them.”  Sovereign Lord. Absolute ruler. King of all kings. You are in charge. Not these self-important religious leaders. Not the mighty Roman army. Not the Roman governor Pilate. Not the emperor of all Rome. No. You alone are Lord and God. 

That is who we talk with. The One who created the massive Rockies, El Capitan and Half-Dome, the Grand Canyon, the vast and powerful Pacific Ocean. The One, yes, who made the galaxies and the untold billions of stars, some of which are bigger than the orbit of the Earth around the sun.

That is whom we come to in prayer. That is the One we have access to. That is the One who hears our prayer. That is the One who delights in our prayer. I am completely undone, dazzled by the sheer grandeur and greatness of our God.

How do you see God?

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