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Ruth: Loss, Love and LegacyПримерок

Ruth: Loss, Love and Legacy

5 ДЕН ОД 5

Wherever You Go

Read Ruth 1:16-17, taking special note because this is the first time we really hear from Ruth. 

I love that in essence Ruth respectfully, but strongly, said, “Enough already!” She wiped her tears and got a little aggressive, kindly putting an end to Naomi’s dissenting remarks. She had finally had enough, and sometimes this isn’t a bad place to be because it forces us to deal with the issue at hand. 

Ruth’s eloquent speech to Naomi uncovers an incredible treasure in our reading: the power of the spoken word. Many times I’ve gotten so discouraged by Satan, my own weak flesh, or another opposing entity, that I’ve finally resorted to speaking out loud the truth of Scripture. Audibly praying and reading Scripture is a wonderful discipline to employ, especially when you are overwhelmed. But keeping Ruth’s words to Naomi in mind, today we’ll look specifically at the use of our spoken words—especially as they relate to the people in our lives. 

Now read verse 18 and take in Naomi’s response to Ruth’s words. 

The NIV starts out with “When Naomi realized.” It took Ruth’s strong resolve mingled with humble love to finally convince Naomi that Ruth wasn’t taking no for an answer. It took Ruth’s words to make her realize this. Why? Because, governed by the Holy Spirit, our words have great strength. Sometimes we need to speak the hard word. Sometimes we need to speak the word of forgiveness or the word of accepting forgiveness. Other times we need to speak the loving, determined, or committed word. Always the humble word. 

The verses we’ve studied today have been read at a million weddings and printed on as many cards, gracing relationships since the day Ruth spoke them. We memorialize her words in the context of loving friendships and brides and grooms who are so zealously in love that the rest of us have to go drown ourselves in cake. But the truth is that this famous speech was uttered amidst loss and hardship and in the face of much bitterness. Ruth’s words did not usher in a honeymoon for her but rather a permanent home in a foreign land. As we close, the obvious questions become: Are we so committed to Christ? Will we go where He goes? Stay where He stays? Will His people be our people? His Father our Father?

How did God speak to your heart today through Ruth’s words?

For more of this study, including bonus video teaching by author Kelly Minter, visit Lifeway.com/Ruth. 

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