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David’s Greatest AssetПримерок

David’s Greatest Asset

2 ДЕН ОД 5

Obedient & Wise

David had an obedient heart. “God said, ‘I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do” Acts13:22. God's definition of an obedient heart is, one that will do everything God wants it to do. 

The Bible describes the heart as most deceitful [Jer.17:9]. Therefore, we must pay attention to our hearts, because God is constantly checking our hearts. An obedient heart does what God wants. Your response to God stems from your heart.

How did Saul lose his kingdom? There was battle and they needed to sacrifice so that God would intervene. Samuel was meant to do the sacrifice but he did not show up on time. Picture this the Philistines were closing in and the people of Israel were agitated. Saul must have thought, “I know how to do this . I have seen Samuel do it several times.” Saul offered the sacrifice and just when he was done, Samuel walked in.

“What have you done?”, Samuel asked. Hear what Saul said, ‘the Philistines were gathering, and the people were complaining. So, I felt compelled by the circumstance to disobey God.” And Samuel said, “You have done a foolish thing”. 1 Sam.15 paraphrased]. That was the day Saul lost his kingdom. Your response to God stems from your heart. Key thing to note here is, God cannot work with a disobedient heart. David was just a shepherd boy, but he had an obedient heart.  God could trust David to obey Him. Can God trust you to obey Him? 

David had a wise heart and he behaved wisely. The Bible tells us that this made Saul afraid of David. It is one thing to have a wise heart and it is another thing to behave wisely. The heart is so crucial to our behaviour and our destiny. I pray that the God of heaven will give you a wise and obedient heart.  

Thought: What is the Holy Spirit stirring up in your heart? Talk to God about it and commit to a new direction – a God direction.

Prayer: Father, please give me a new heart, and put a new spirit in me. Take out the stony, stubborn heart and give me a tender, responsive heart, in Jesus Name [Ezekiel 36:26]

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David’s Greatest Asset

God pays close attention to the heart, yours and mine. In fact, the heart determines most things spiritually. Your heart can qualify or disqualify you before God. This is why God instructs that, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." Your heart is your greatest asset and you have to pay close attention to what flows in and out of it.
