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9 Common Lies Christians Believe: Part 1 Of 3 Примерок

9 Common Lies Christians Believe: Part 1 Of 3

2 ДЕН ОД 3

I could never forgive that person! 

Naturally, people don’t like to (and, frankly, don’t want to) forgive. We want to hold on to bitterness because we think, if I forgive the people who have hurt me, then I’m condoning their actions. I’m saying what they did is okay. But that is not true at all. God is the judge, and He will judge appropriately. Bitterness, lack of forgiveness, and grudges often harm the one holding on to them the most. However, when we forgive, we essentially say, you can’t destroy me, end me, or hinder me any longer, because my God heals. He is better than bitterness.

Most of our unforgiveness and bitterness stems from some really trivial situations. However, some stories, involve true victims. In these kinds of stories forgiveness can come only from God and they take a God-sized forgiveness.

Scripture teaches us that if we’re going to be recipients of God’s grace, then we must give grace to others. Jesus gives the challenge that if we don’t forgive others, it may be proof that we’ve never truly received God’s forgiveness ourselves. Or, in a positively glorious implication, He is teaching us that the most practical way to show the world that we understand forgiveness in our own lives is by showing that we know how to forgive. 

Forgiveness is not easy. Forgiveness is actually impossible in ourselves. However, the good news is that we have a God who makes the impossible possible. “For nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37). 

Ultimately, forgiveness is an act of faith in a God who can and will do what we cannot do on our own. 

The truth is that bitterness, unforgiveness, and anger are a heavy and miserable load to carry. As a Christian, choose forgiveness because your great God has chosen to forgive you. 

Questions for Reflection: 

Think of someone who has hurt you. Have you forgiven this person? Do you feel as though forgiveness is unattainable in this situation? If so, what makes you say so? 

Take time to list things God has forgiven you for. Since you have received the grace and forgiveness of God, whom do you need to extend grace and forgiveness to today? 


If I am going to be a receiver of forgiveness, then I must be a giver of forgiveness. 

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