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Dreaming With Joseph: 7 Day Devotional On GreatnessПримерок

Dreaming With Joseph: 7 Day Devotional On Greatness

2 ДЕН ОД 7

The second scene we see with Joseph is one that has gone on to define his story. Joseph has two dreams; one takes place on earth and the other in the heavens. In both cases, the grains and the stars, which represent Joseph’s family, bow down to him.

However, if you look at the context of the story, the focus is not on the interpretation of Joseph’s dreams but instead, on the family’s reaction to them. Multiple times the verses say that the brothers hated Joseph and were jealous of him. On top of that, even the father Jacob, who calls Joseph his favorite son, has said he has gone too far.

Furthermore, there is no interpretation of the dreams, only questions: Will you rule over us…Will we actually bow down to you? So what is the purpose of giving these dreams so early on in Joseph’s story? There are two reasons.

The first reason has to do with what we just saw in the previous verses. Joseph does not deserve to receive prophetic dreams from God. To put it simply, he’s a spoiled brat. What is God thinking by sending him such grand ideas about his future?

But you see, that’s exactly how God works. He chooses the overlooked, the unlikely. He loves to use the people we least expect to accomplish the unthinkable. In choosing Joseph, God is laying the foundation for His own glory. If such extraordinary things are going to happen, they will happen by His hand alone.

The second reason for the dreams is to show how our callings from God are affected by the people in our lives. Everyone in Joseph’s family tried to shut him down immediately. That can’t happen…You’re crazy…Do you really think you can do that? 

When God calls us to do great things you can bet others will do their best to deter us. They will remind us of our failures, our inadequacies, and our sins. They will do everything they can to keep us in our box of small faith. 

As we will see, Joseph’s dreams sustained him even in the worst circumstances. Joseph impressed the promises on his heart and never let go because he believed God always fulfills his promises. 

You are as much a child of God and a child of promise as Joseph was. You may be undeserving of the life God has called you to and maybe you have already received some push-back from those close to you. Don’t lose hope. The very circumstances which were meant to break Joseph’s faith in the promises were actually the events setting up their fulfillment.

Takeaway: No matter how undeserving we are, or unlikely it seems, God always keeps His promises to us.

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Dreaming With Joseph: 7 Day Devotional On Greatness

Joseph’s story begins like so many of ours: in a place off the beaten path, surrounded by people who did not believe the magnitude of his calling. However, all of that changed. Joseph was thrust into a grand narrative where God raised him up, not only so that he could fulfill his calling, but also so that he could bless all of those who doubted him along the way.
