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The Reset Примерок

The Reset

2 ДЕН ОД 7


When you read 1 Samuel 7:1-3, you find that Israel had many idols. They were false gods that took their affection and devotion away from God, the true living God.

It was when Israel had placed God in His rightful place in their hearts and lives, that it was then that they experienced victory over their enemies and over time everything began to fall into place for them.

Again in Revelation 2:2-4 you find the church of Ephesus doing many great things for God and serving. Yet, God wasn’t their first love. They weren’t devoted to Him as they once were. Even though they were doing all the right things for God, He desired something more than their works, He wanted their hearts.

There are many things that can become idols in our lives, from a particular person to our emotions and even the activities that we do in church. Anything that takes the place that God should have in our hearts is an idol.

It’s important to also highlight that the ability to overcome the internal struggles in your life and experience victory over them, begins with your full devotion to God and making Him Lord over your life.

It’s about you consistently cultivating an authentic relationship with God, that goes beyond a Sunday service and any activity you’re involved in. 

When you're intentional about making God first in your life and you align yourself with Him, it will influence every other area of your life.

It’s time to return back to your first love.

What/Who has taken your devotion and affection away from God?

Does your heart still burn for God as it once did?

Prayer Points

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal anything or anyone that has become an idol in your life and repent (turn away and change). 
  • Receive His forgiveness and yield yourself to His Lordship. 
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