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Joy In The Mourning Примерок

Joy In The Mourning

4 ДЕН ОД 4

The Divine Comforting Encourager

Enduring the challenges of accepting the loss of a pet or caring for an injured or sick pet requires plugging into the Divine Power source which is God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

When a pet becomes ill or passes away this life altering occurrence requires constant comfort during the adjustment period. Many people might go through a range of emotions from feeling that they’ll never get another pet again so they won’t go through the uncomfortable reality of them dying.   Some individuals will opt in to get another pet immediately because of the void they currently see and feel in their lives. 

No matter the situation remember that God can encompass and eradicate any void and the Holy Spirit has the power to comfort and encourage anyone through anything, even the loss of a pet.  

Naturally when individuals go through life altering events they want to share their concerns, worries or heartache with people who they assume would care, but that is not always the case. Some people could care less about one’s struggles or they could care but are so preoccupied with their own issues they don’t show physical concern for the needs of the broken-hearted closest to them.  

Although most people want a person to encourage and comfort them through hard times, it is a blessing to know that at ALL TIMES God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit continuously care and are concerned about you. 

The Holy Spirit is the true comforter that never stops comforting and encouraging those who are ready and willing to receive.  Every individual is going through a variety of issues. Some of these issues can be discussed with others and there are some that are too embarrassing to share with others. Some issues if shared might appear to be of least significant importance because who really wants to hear about how someone is devastated regarding their pet’s passing? 

But the death of a family member is a real issue that is not exempt from the covering comfort of the Holy Spirit. If your pet has passed they are okay and you will be okay when plugged into the Divine Comforting Encourager.

Be encouraged and remember that  no matter the trial Joy can be found in the Mourning. 

Ден 3

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Joy In The Mourning

Enduring the loss of a pet is a difficult transitional challenge. Pets are members of families and when one passes away, it can be a hard event to recover from. Although feelings of grief are present, remember that GOD’s promises are still true. In this Plan readers will be encouraged to stand on God’s word, because even in despairing times , God provides Joy in the Mourning.
