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James: Faith/WorksПримерок

James: Faith/Works

6 ДЕН ОД 13

Blessings / Curses

Many people misunderstand the biblical concept of cursing. When the Bible condemns cursing, it’s not addressing profanity. So-called bad words may be offensive and inappropriate, but a type of crude language goes beyond rude:  Let there be no filthiness nor foolish talk nor crude joking, which are out of place, but instead let there be thanksgiving. Ephesians 5:4

While crudeness may not appear on the surface to be as hateful as cursing, the root is similar. The “filthiness” and “crude joking” Paul referred to are derogatory, sexually explicit comments that disrespect other people made in the image of God. 

The key to understanding what Scripture condemns as cursing is clearly stated in James 3:9. Cursing is a verbal attack, hatred, a violence of heart toward people who bear the image of our Creator. It’s a deification of ourselves and a dehumanization of someone else, elevating ourselves to a judge by damning another person. The sin isn’t a rude word but hatred for another human being created in the likeness of God. Ultimately, it’s contempt for God.

Likewise, crude and filthy speech, even in the form of jokes, dehumanizes and objectifies other men or women, viewing them as commodities to be used, consumed, and discarded. Cursing and crudeness deny God’s likeness in human beings. 

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