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Lord, Bless Me IndeedПримерок

Lord, Bless Me Indeed

5 ДЕН ОД 5

People sometimes have strange ideas about who God is. In my years of speaking and counseling, I think I’ve heard it all. It never ceases to amaze me how often people seem to think that God is basically angry – poised to throw a lightning bolt at any minute, or withhold favor and love as a punishment. Then there are those that seem to think God is just too busy or too high and mighty for their trivial life and individualized prayers. 

None of those thoughts could be further from the truth. That’s why those kinds of thoughts are what we call “strongholds.” They are deceptive lies of Satan designed to distort your view of God. Remember our verse from a few days ago? “For as he thinks within himself, so he is” (Proverbs 23:7). What you think impacts everything. It impacts what you pray, say, believe and do. That’s why Satan likes to tangle up your thoughts with his falsehoods. And he will stop at nothing to do so.

Thankfully, we have God’s word to get our thoughts back in line with the truth. God’s word says that our Father in heaven loves to give good gifts to those who ask Him. He loves to give good gifts more so than the greatest parent who ever lived on earth. God’s heart is a heart of blessing and His gifts come wrapped with a grace like no other. Trust His word. Speak it out loud. Let it sink into your mind, your thoughts and let it affect your prayers. God will bless you, indeed. He will expand the borders of your influence. He would love to place His hand upon you, to grant you favor, keep you from evil that you may not have pain. Just ask. It’s okay. Ask right now. 


Father, You are a good father. You love to give good gifts and to see the joy on my face when I receive them. Help me to recognize these good things as from You, and to give You the proper praise and thanksgiving.  Help me to know this side of You like I never have before. Bless me, Father, with Your favor and peace. Bless my hands and my heart and all that I do. Stay near to me and help me to stay near to You. Keep me from that which would draw me away. Keep me in pursuit of You. I ask for Your blessings in abundance. In Christ’s name, Amen. 

If you found this devotional helpful, you can also pray for blessing in your emotional well-being through this insightful prayer guide by Bruce Wilkinson & Heather Hair. Get your copy here. 

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