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Hollywood Prayer Network On ExcellenceПримерок

Hollywood Prayer Network On Excellence

4 ДЕН ОД 7

PRAY FOR OTHERS TO BE WORTHY                      

"We live in a culture that has, for centuries now, cultivated the idea that the skeptical person is always smarter than the one who believes. You can almost be as stupid as a cabbage as long as you doubt." Dallas Willard

PRAY:   Dear Jesus, help me to pray for others the way Paul prays for his friends in Thessalonica.  May You make me and my friends worthy of Your calling, and that by Your power, You may bring to fruition the desires of our hearts for goodness.  And may our every deed be prompted by our faith in You.  Jesus, I so desire to be excellent in Your sight and I want the same for my friends and family.  I also ask that You help me to pray for the creative professionals in Hollywood who are impacting all of our lives with the programming that they create.  May You make them worthy of Your calling as well. I ask that You help me to pray for other people with commitment.  Thank you!
REFLECT:   What does it mean to constantly pray for someone?  Is there anyone you pray for constantly?  That's a tremendous commitment.  What do you think you'd experience by praying constantly for the people in your life, or the people who influence your life?  Probably their lives would change, and so would yours. And what a joy to be talking to God all through your day!  Can you make a constant, ongoing conversation with your Savior your life's Goal?  Since practice makes perfect, you will surely become excellent at praying, and God will make you and the people you're praying for worthy of His calling.
ACT:   Who would be the one person whom you would like to be constantly praying for?  Start right now and today, talk to God about that person as often as possible - as you get ready for your day, during classes, meetings, phone calls, just keep lifting up that person to the Lord.  Take some extra time at lunch to pray for them and then again through the rest of the day, at dinner and into the evening.  As you get in bed ask the Lord how you did.  How can you be better tomorrow? And don't be afraid to choose someone you don't know.  Maybe it's your favorite movie star, pop singer, or celebrity.  They need your prayers too! Look forward to amazing results.  You are being a person of excellence and God is pleased.

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Hollywood Prayer Network On Excellence

As Christians we want to be people of excellence. We should be doing everything as unto the Lord so that He is glorified through our work, our words and our actions. So, this week, let’s strive to be excellent as Christians, brothers, sisters, parents, students, professionals, neighbors and friends, in everything we do and say!
