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Yoḥanan (John) 7

1And after this יהושע was walking in Galil, for He did not wish to walk in Yehuḏah, because the Yehuḏim were seeking to kill Him.
2And the festival of the Yehuḏim was near, the Festival of Sukkot.#Booths.
3So His brothers said to Him, ‘Get away from here and go into Yehuḏah, so that Your taught ones also see the works that You are doing.
4For no one acts in secret while he himself seeks to be known openly. If You do these works, show Yourself to the world.
5For even His brothers did not believe in Him.
6יהושע therefore said to them, “My time has not yet come, but your time is always ready.
7“It is impossible for the world to hate you, but it hates Me because I bear witness of it, that its works are wicked.
8“You go up to this festival. I am not yet going up to this festival, for My time has not yet been filled.”
9And having said this to them, He stayed in Galil.
10But when His brothers had gone up to the festival, then He also went up, not openly, but as it were in secret.
11The Yehuḏim, therefore, were seeking Him at the festival, and said, “Where is He?”
12And there was much grumbling about Him among the crowd. Some were saying, “He is good,” but others were saying, “No, but He is leading the crowd astray.”
13However, no one spoke openly of Him for fear of the Yehuḏim.
14And about the middle of the festival יהושע went up into the Set-apart Place, and He was teaching.
15And the Yehuḏim were marvelling, saying, “How does this Man know letters, not having learned?”
16יהושע answered them and said, “My teaching is not Mine, but His who sent Me.#יהושע says this in seven places in the Book of John: John 3:34; John 7:16; John 8:28; John 8:40; John 12:49; John 14:24; John 17:8. See also Deu. 18:15-20
17If anyone desires to do His desire, he shall know concerning the teaching, whether it is from Elohim, or whether I speak from Myself.
18“He who speaks from himself is seeking his own esteem, but He who seeks the esteem of the One who sent Him is true, and no unrighteousness is in Him.
19“Did not Mosheh give you the Torah? Yet not one of you does the Torah!#See Mat. 5:20 Why do you seek to kill Me?”
20The crowd answered and said, “You have a demon, who seeks to kill You?”
21יהושע answered and said to them, “I did one work, and you all marvel.
22“Because of this Mosheh has given you the circumcision – though it is not from Mosheh, but from the fathers – and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath.
23If a man receives circumcision on the Sabbath, so that the Torah of Mosheh should not be broken, are you wroth with Me because I made a man entirely well on the Sabbath?”
24Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.
25Therefore some of them from Yerushalayim said, “Is this not He whom they are seeking to kill?
26“And see! He speaks boldly, and they say none at all to Him. Could it be that the rulers truly know that this is truly the Messiah?
27“But we know where this One is from. And when the Messiah comes, no one knows where He is from.”
28יהושע therefore cried out in the Set-apart Place, teaching and saying, “You both know Me, and you know where I am from. And I have not come of Myself, but He who sent Me is true, whom you do not know.
29But I know Him, because I am from Him, and He sent Me.
30So they were seeking to seize Him, but no one laid a hand on Him, because His hour had not yet come.
31And many of the crowd believed in Him, and said, “When the Messiah comes, shall He do more signs than these which this One did?”
32The Pharisees heard the crowd muttering these matters concerning Him, and the Pharisees and the chief priests sent officers to seize Him.
33Therefore יהושע said to them, “Yet a little while I am with you, then I go to Him who sent Me.
34You shall seek Me and you shall not find Me, and where I am you are unable to come.”
35The Yehuḏim, therefore, said to themselves, “Where is He about to go that we shall not find Him? Is He about to go to the Dispersion among the Greeks, and to teach the Greeks?
36What is this word which He said, ‘You shall seek Me and you shall not find Me, and where I am you are unable to come’?”
37And on the last day, the great day of the festival, יהושע stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me, and let him who believes in Me drink.
38“As the Scripture said, out of His innermost shall flow rivers of living water.”#See Isa. 44:3; Jer. 2:13; Jer. 17:13; Zech. 14:8; Psa. 36:8, 9; Pro. 14:27; John 4:10; John 6:33; 1Cor. 10:4; Rev. 7:17; Rev. 21:6; Rev. 22:1; Rev. 22:17
39And this He said concerning the Spirit, which those believing in Him were about to receive, for the Set-apart Spirit was not yet given,#See Eze. 36:26, 27; Joel 2:28-32; Acts 1:4-8; Acts.2.4; Acts 2:33; Acts 10:44-47; Acts 11:15, 16; Eph. 5:18 because יהושע was not yet esteemed.
40Many from the crowd, when they heard the word, then said, “This truly is the Prophet.”
41Others said, “This is the Messiah,” but others said, “Does the Messiah then come out of Galil?
42“Did not the Scripture say that the Messiah comes from the seed of Dawiḏ#See 2Sam. 7:12; Psa. 89:4 and from the village of Bĕyth Leḥem,#See Mic. 5:2 where Dawiḏ was?”
43So a division came about among the people because of Him.
44And some of them wished to take Him, but no one laid hands on Him.
45The officers therefore came to the chief priests and Pharisees. And they said to them, “Why did you not bring Him?”
46The officers answered, “Never has any man spoken like this Man!”
47The Pharisees, therefore, answered them, “Have you also been led astray?
48“Has anyone of the rulers or of the Pharisees believed in Him?
49“But this crowd that does not know the Torah is accursed.”
50Naḵdimon – he who came to יהושע by night, being one of them – said to them,
51Does our Torah judge the man unless it hears first from him and knows what he is doing?
52They answered and said to him, “Are you also from Galil? Search and see that no prophet has arisen out of Galil.”
53And each one went to his own house.


Yoḥanan (John) 7: TS2009





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