Luke 19
1And Jesus going in, walked through Jericho.
2And lo! a man, Zacchaeus by name, and this [or he] was a prince of publicans, and he was rich.
3And he sought to see Jesus, who he was, and he might not, for the people, for he was little in stature.
4And he ran before, and went [up] into a sycamore tree, to see him; for he was to pass from thence.
5And Jesus beheld up, when he came to the place, and saw him, and said to him, Zacchaeus, haste thee, and come down, for today I must dwell in thine house.
6And he hieing [or hasting] came down, and joyingly received him.
7And when all men saw, they grutched, saying, For he had turned to a sinful man.
8But Zacchaeus stood, and said to the Lord, Lo! Lord, I give the half of my goods to poor men; and if I have anything defrauded any man, I yield four so much [or fourfold].
9Jesus saith to him, For today health is made to this house, for that he is Abraham’s son;
10for man’s Son came to seek, and make safe that thing that perished.
11When they heard these things, he added, and said a parable, for that he was nigh to Jerusalem, and for they guessed, that anon the kingdom of God should be showed.
12Therefore he said, A worthy man [or Some noble man] went into a far country, to take to him a kingdom, and to turn again.
13And when his ten servants were called, he gave to them ten bezants; and said to them, Chaffer [or Merchandize] ye, till I come.
14But his citizens hated him, and sent a messenger after him, and said, We will not, that he reign on us.
15And it was done, that he turned again, when he had taken the kingdom; and he commanded his servants to be called, to which he had given money, to know, how much each had won by chaffering.
16And the first came, and said, Lord, thy bezant hath won ten bezants.
17He said to him, Well be, thou good servant; for in little thing thou hast been true, thou shalt be having [or have] power on ten cities.
18And the tother came, and said, Lord, thy bezant hath made five bezants.
19And to this he said, And be thou on five cities.
20And the third came, and said, Lord, lo! thy bezant, that I had, put up [or kept] in a sudarium, [or sweating cloth].
21For I dreaded thee, for thou art an austere man; thou takest away that that thou settedest not, and thou reapest that that thou hast not sown.
22He saith to him, Wicked servant, of thy mouth I deem thee. Knewest thou, that I am an austere man, taking away that thing that I setted not, and reaping that thing that I sowed not? [or I have not sown?]
23and why hast thou not given my money to the board, and I coming should have asked it [or should have received it] with usuries?
24And he said to men standing nigh, Take away from him the bezant, and give ye [it] to him that hath ten bezants.
25And they said to him, Lord, he hath ten bezants.
26And I say to you, to each man that hath, it shall be given, and he shall increase; but from him that hath not, also that thing that he hath, shall be taken of [or from] him.
27Nevertheless bring ye hither those mine enemies, that would not that I reigned on them, and slay ye before me.
28And when these things were said, he went before, and went up to Jerusalem.
29And it was done, when Jesus came nigh to Bethphage and Bethany, at the mount, that is called of Olivet, he sent his two disciples,
30and said, Go ye into the castle that is against you; into which as ye enter, ye shall find a colt of an ass tied, on which never man sat; untie ye him, and bring ye to me.
31And if any man ask you, why ye untie, thus ye shall say to him, For the Lord desireth his work.
32And they that were sent, went forth, and found as he said to them, a colt standing.
33And when they untied the colt, the lords of it said to them, What [or Why] untie ye the colt?
34And they said, For the Lord hath need to him.
35And they led him to Jesus; and they casted their clothes on the colt, and set [or put] Jesus on him.
36And when he went, they spreaded their clothes in the way.
37And when he came nigh to the coming down of the mount of Olivet, all the people that came down began to joy, and to praise God with great voice on all the virtues, that they had seen,
38and said, Blessed be the king, that cometh in the name of the Lord; peace in heaven, and glory in high things.
39And some of the Pharisees of the people said to him, Master, blame thy disciples.
40And he said to them, I say to you, for if these be still, stones shall cry.
41And when he nighed, he saw the city, and wept on it,
42and said, For if thou haddest known, thou shouldest weep also; for in this day, the things be in peace to thee, but now they be hid from thine eyes.
43But days shall come in thee [or shall come to thee], and thine enemies shall environ thee with a pale, and they shall go about thee, and make thee strait on all sides,
44and cast thee down to the earth, and thy sons [or thy children] that be in thee; and they shall not leave in thee a stone upon a stone, for thou hast not known the time of thy visitation.
45And he entered into the temple, and began to cast out men selling therein and buying,
46and said to them, It is written, That mine house is an house of prayer, but ye have made it a den of thieves.
47And he was teaching every day in the temple. And the princes of priests, and the scribes, and the princes of the people sought to lose him;
48and they found not, what they should do to him, for all the people was [fervently] occupied, and heard him [or for to hear him].
Luke 19: WBMS

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