John 15:5
The third line (in English) translating the meaning of each word in the Orthodox Yiddish Brit Chadashah (New Testament)
I am the vine; you (PL) are the branches; who it remains in me, and I in him, that (one) brings a many fruits; because without me can you (PL) nothing do.
Истражи John 15:5
John 15:4
remain in me, and I in you (PL), as the branch can not bring forth any fruits of itself alone, if she remains not on the vine, so (can) you (PL) not, if you (PL) remain not in me.
Истражи John 15:4
John 15:7
if you (PL) remain in me, and my words remain in you (PL), may you (PL) ask what you (PL) want only, and it will you (PL) done to be.
Истражи John 15:7
John 15:16
not you (PL) did me choose, but I have you (PL) chosen, and you (PL) appointed, that you (PL) shall go and bring fruits, and that your (PL) fruits shall remain; so that what you (PL) will ask the Father in my name, shall he you (PL) give.
Истражи John 15:16
John 15:13
anyone has not any greater love than the these, that he shall lay down his life for his friends.
Истражи John 15:13
John 15:2
every branch in me, that bears not any fruit, takes he away; and every (one), which brings yes fruits, he prunes clean (branch), so that she shall bring more fruits.
Истражи John 15:2
John 15:12
the this is my commandment, that you (PL) shall love have one the other, as I have you (PL) love have.
Истражи John 15:12
John 15:8
in the this becomes my Father glorified, that you (PL) shall bring a many fruits; and be my disciples.
Истражи John 15:8
John 15:1
I am the authentic/true vine, and my Father is the gardener.
Истражи John 15:1
John 15:6
if someone remains not in me, is he thrown outside, like the branch, and becomes withered; and one gathers them together and throws them in fire into, and they are burned.
Истражи John 15:6
John 15:11
this have I spoken to you (PL), so that my joy shall be in you (PL), and your joy shall to be full.
Истражи John 15:11
John 15:10
if you (PL) will keep my commandments, will you (PL) remain in my love, as I have kept the commandments of my Father, and abide in the love His.
Истражи John 15:10
John 15:17
this command I you (PL), so that you (PL) shall love have one the other.
Истражи John 15:17
John 15:19
if you (PL) would have been of the world, would the world love have for that, which is her own; because however you (PL) are not of the world, but I have you (PL) chosen from the world, on account of the does the world you (PL) hate.
Истражи John 15:19