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Matthew 14

1On þare tide geherde herodes se feorþan dæles rice þas hælendes hlysan. 2⁊þa sægde he his cnihten. þes is iohannes se fulluhtere þe ic beheafdede he aras of deaðe ⁊for þam synde þas wundre gefremede on him. 3Soðlice herodes nam Iohannem ⁊geband hine ⁊sette on cwarterne. for þam wife herodiade philippus his broðor. 4Iohannes him sægde. nis þe alyfed hy to wife to hæbbenne 5⁊þa þe he hine ofslean wolde he adrede him þæt folc for þam þe hyo hafdon hine for ænne witege. 6Ða on Herodes gebyrddayge. tumbede þær herodiadisse dohtor beforem#14.6 Copying error for beforan. hym ⁊hit likede herode. 7Ða behet he mid aþe hire to gyfene swa hwæt swa hyo hine bæde. 8Ða cwæð hyo. fram hire moder gemeneged. Syle me on anen disce Iohannes heafed þas fulluhteres. 9Ða wæs se kyng unbliðe. for þam aþe ⁊for þam þe him sæten mide. 10⁊he asende þa ⁊behæfdede iohanne on þam cwærterne. 11⁊man brohte þa his heafod on anen disce ⁊sealde þam maidene ⁊þæt maiden hire moder. 12Ænd þa geneahlahten his leorningcnihtes ⁊namen his lichame ⁊beberigedon hine ⁊coman ⁊kyddan hit þam hælende. 13Þa se hælend þæt gehyrde þa ferde he þanen onsyndron on anum scype ⁊þa þa gangendon manigeo þt gehyrdon hyo felgdon hym of þam burgen. 14⁊þa he þanen ferde. he geseah mycele menigeo ⁊he heom gemiltsede ⁊gehælde þa untruman. 15Soðlice þa hyt wæs æfen geworðen. him to neahlahton hys leorningcnihtes ⁊him to cwæðen. Ðeos stowe is weste ⁊time ys forð agan. forlæt þas mænigeo þæt hyo faren into þas burgen ⁊heom mete byggen. 16Ða cweð se hælend to heom. næbbeð hyo neode to farene sylle ge heom etan. 17Ða andswereden hyo we næbbeð her buton fif hlafes ⁊twegen fixsas. 18Ða cwæð se hælend. bringeð me hider. 19Ænd þa he het þa mænigeo ofer þt gærs sitton ⁊he nam þa fif hlafes ⁊twegen fixas ⁊beseah on þonne heofene ⁊bletsode. Bræc þa þa hlafes ⁊sealde hys leorningcnihten ⁊hyo þam folce. 20⁊hyo æten ealle ⁊wæren gefylde ⁊hyo namen þa lafe twelf wylien fulle. þare britsene. 21Soðlice þare etendra getel wæs fif þusenda weran. buton wifan ⁊childon. 22Ænd þa sona het se hælend his leorningcnihtas on scyp astigan ⁊toforam#14.22 Copying error for toforan. hym faren ofer þanne muþun. oð ðæt he þa mænigeo forlete. 23Ænd þa he hyo forlæten hafde. he eode on þanne munt ⁊hine þær ane gebæd. Soðlice þa hyt æfen wæs he wæs ana þær. 24Witodlice wæs þæt scyp of yþum totorfod. forþan þe hit wæs strang wind. 25Þa com se hælend embe þane feorþan ancred#14.25 Copying error for hancred. to heom ofer þa sæ gangende. 26Þa hyo geseagen þæt hyo wurðon þa gedrefde ⁊for þam eige cleopoden ⁊cwæðen þus. Soðlice hit is scinlac. 27Ða spræc se hælend ⁊cweð. hæbbeð geleafan. ich hit eom nellen ge eow ondræden. 28Ða andswerede hym petrus ⁊cwæð. Drihten gyf þu hit ert. hat me cuman to þe ofer þas watere. 29Þa cwæð he. cum to me. Ða eode petrus of þam scype ofer þæt wæter. þæt he to þam hælende come. 30Þa he geseah þanne strange wind he him ondrædde. Ða he warð gedofon he cweð. drihton gedo me halgan. 31And þa rædlice he gefeng hyne ⁊þus cwæð. litles geleafenes hwi tweonodost þu. 32⁊þa hy wæren on scype geswac se wind. 33Soðlice þa þe on þam scype wæron comen ⁊to him gebædon ⁊þus cwæðen. Soðlice þu ert godes sune. 34⁊þa hyo oferseigledon hyo comen on þæt land genesareth. 35⁊þa þæt folc hine gecneow hyo sentten geond eall þæt land ⁊brohton to him ealle untrume. 36⁊hine bædon. þæt hyo hwureþinge hys reafes fned ætrinen ⁊swa hlylce#14.36 Copying error for hwylce. hys ætrinen. wurðen hale.

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Matthew 14: ASxG



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