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Journey To The Manger

60 DIENA NO 70

Original Fellowship with God

God’s mission of love began even prior to the Garden of Eden. Before the foundation of the world and throughout time, He progressively moved toward one goal: the restoration of His original relationship with man.

Before they were banished from the Garden, Adam and Eve were provided with coverings made from the skins of the animals. This act of God—sacrificing the lives of these animals to cover the shame of man—was a foreshadowing of Christ’s future sacrifice, which provided us with true and complete salvation.

Jesus came to earth on a mission of love. Through His great sacrifice, we are restored to our original place of fellowship with our Creator.

Activity: Do you know someone who doesn’t feel at home in church? Invite them to attend the next service with you so they don’t feel alone.

Diena 59Diena 61

Par šo plānu

Journey To The Manger

Kādā klusā naktī pirms 2000 gadiem eņģelis atnesa vēsti par Glābēja dzimšanu grupai ganu, kas ganīja savus lopus. Dzirdot šo vēsti, šie gani pameta visu, lai dotos Betlēmes pilsētā meklēt bērnu silītē. Arī pēc visiem šiem daudzajiem gadiem aicinājums nav mainījies. Pievienojies Dr. Čārlzam Stenlijam, ļaujot viņam palīdzēt tev tuvoties Glābējam un šajā periodā iedrošināt tevi rast laiku, lai atpūstos Tēva mīlestībā. 


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