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Proverbs 12:18 Man says: I speak my mind pretty quickly so I won't forget. God says: Quick words often are received as daggers.

Proverbs 15:1 Man says: What's wrong with raising my voice to make my point! God says: A soft answer calms. A loud one gets people madder.

Galatians 5:22-23 Man says: How do you know you're a Christian? God says: Your words and deeds show if you're a Christian.

Philippians 2:14 Man says: Sometimes grumbling is OK. God says: Grumbling is wrong 100% of the time.

Proverbs 21:13 Man says: The poor are getting what they deserve. God says: If you aren't merciful to the poor, you may be left out to dry yourself.

We're grateful you did this devotional and hope it blessed you! Bless the Lord for His patience and the Holy Spirit who is molding us into Christ's image! Right?! Thanks! Drake Mariani

Anger can be tamed when we grow to know God more intimately. One way to do that is to memorize and meditate on His Word. These verses are some of the 500+ from 72+ topics in the MemLok Bible Memory System. MemLok is simple, easy, and fun. A visual clue helps you get started. Available in synchronized mobile or Web apps. MemLok

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