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Hollywood Prayer Network On Anxiety & WorryParaugs

Hollywood Prayer Network On Anxiety & Worry



"An unpeaceful mind cannot operate normally. Hence the Apostle teaches us to 'have no anxiety about anything.' Deliver all anxious thoughts to God as soon as they arise. Let the peace of God maintain your heart and mind." Watchman Nee

PRAY: Lord, would You fill me with Your peace and take away all of my anxiety? I know that You love me and don't want me to worry, but I need Your help to control my emotions and to trust completely in You. Thank You that You care so deeply for me and let me rest in Your arms. In Jesus' name, AMEN.
REFLECT: Do you really believe that God truly and deeply cares for you? How does He show His care, His love, His concern? Are you aware of the little things that He does to encourage you, guide you, care for you? What does that feel like? How are you caring for others? Could it be that as we care for others we will feel more of God's love and care for us?
ACT: Try reaching out to someone today whom you know and show them in some way that you care. Then ask God to let you see the ways that He cares for you. If you know someone in the media or creative entertainment industry, they probably need to know that someone cares, and especially that God cares. We are all emotionally needy and when we reach out to others we truly feel more loved ourselves.
Diena 2

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Hollywood Prayer Network On Anxiety & Worry

HPN wants to meet your personal spiritual needs and supply you a solid daily devotional, as well as encourage you to include praying for the people, the projects, and the incredible influence of the Hollywood entertainment industry.  We see it as the world’s most influential mission field and yet the people there struggle with the same issues that we do.  This week we’re facing one of the most powerful and debilitating emotions that we experience: ANXIETY/WORRY.  God tells us over and over again in His Word that we are not to worry, we’re not to feel anxious, and yet we struggle with it every day.  If we could truly trust God to give us wisdom, guide us in our thoughts and conversations and have the faith to let Him take care of the details of our life, we would feel freedom and joy, despite our circumstances.  Let’s try to master a sense of peace by giving our anxiety and worry to Him this week!
