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Christianity 101: Building a Firm FoundationParaugs

Christianity 101: Building a Firm Foundation

13 DIENA NO 17

The Secret Place of His Presence...

But you, when you pray, go into your room, and when you have shut your door, pray to your Father who is in the secret place; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.
Matthew 6:6 NKJV

The apostle Paul encourages us to continually talk with God throughout our day (1 Thessalonians 5:17). Yet, Jesus invites us to come aside and be alone with Him during our week to experience His presence and hear His voice without bringing our laundry list of requests.

We can learn from the Master Himself.

The Lord often separated Himself from others to spend time alone with the Father. Jesus is God, but He set aside His godly rights and privileges to become a human just like us (Hebrews 2:14). While walking the earth, He was utterly dependent upon the Father and the Holy Spirit, just as we are now. His times alone with the Father and Spirit were a priority to Him—receiving strength, comfort, and direction.

We also learn from sisters Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42. Martha was distracted and stressed over preparations for entertaining Jesus in their home. However, He gently draws Martha’s attention to Mary—who is sitting at His feet, drinking in His every word. Mary has discovered the one thing that makes sense in life: time with Him, enjoying His presence, and listening to Him.

Our schedules are crazy and hectic, and we may be tempted to think we don’t have the margins to find these quiet moments alone with God. Nevertheless, the reward of intimacy with Him will become so transforming we won’t want to miss out. During these extraordinary times, we learn the practice of abiding—remaining, dwelling, and resting—in God that Jesus describes in John 15:1-8. We also cultivate both the Holy Spirit’s felt presence in our lives and hearing His voice.

When is the best time to spend a few minutes with Jesus?

Pastor Wayne Cordeiro* states that the best time is when you are at your best—morning, afternoon, or evening. For how long? There is no requirement here, whether for a few minutes or hours. Similar to any relationship, you will have more time in some encounters than on other days.

His invitation is not meant to be a part of your to-do list. Instead, His request is for you to be refreshed in intimacy with the God of the universe, who loves you beyond measure and has a marvelous adventure for your life. And no guilt allowed when you miss days meeting Him—simply come.

Yes. That is all Jesus asks. You won’t be disappointed.

  • What speaks to your heart about what Jesus does in Luke 6:12-13?
  • Who do you identify with, and what do you learn from Mary and Martha in Luke 10:38-42?
  • From John 15:1-8 how are you encouraged about abiding in Jesus?
  • What promise does Jesus give us when we seek Him first in Matthew 6:33?
  • Revelation 3:20 is spoken to believers. What does it mean for you to dine with Lord Jesus?

* The Divine Mentor, Wayne Cordeiro, Bethany House, 2008

Diena 12Diena 14

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Christianity 101: Building a Firm Foundation

Every great adventure has a starting point, a beginning place that launches the exhilarating expedition. Such is the extraordinary journey of the Christian faith. Let’s build a firm foundation of eight basic Bible truths, taking two days at a time for exploring: the power of God’s Word, His love, why the cross, grace, Holy Spirit resurrection power, intimacy with God, transforming repentance, and the gift of spiritual warfare.
