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Satisfied in the Midst of Singleness Paraugs

Satisfied in the Midst of Singleness



Intimacy begins with knowing God and knowing His character. Even though I grew up in a Christian home, I could not understand God’s instructions for sexual purity, because I didn’t really know Him. I knew about Him, and talked to Him and read His Word, but I was yet to really know who He was - His character.

Let’s discover what His Word says about knowing Him and intimacy with Him. Some words that speak of physical intimacy in the Bible are: ‘to know’ and ‘to unite’ or ‘cleave’. Scriptures where these words are used give clues into what spiritual intimacy means to God!

To Know: Physical Intimacy

“Now Adam knew Eve his wife [...].” Genesis 4:1a (NKJV)

To Know: Spiritual Intimacy

“But you know Him, for He lives with you and will be in you.” John 14:17b (NIV)

“But now that you know God—or rather are known by God [...].” Galatians 4:9a (NIV)

The Hebrew word yada speaks of an intimate knowledge - a deeper knowledge than simply head knowledge. The Greek word ginóskó speaks of knowing to the utmost. (Strong's Concordance 3045 and 1097)

To Unite: Physical Intimacy

“That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.” Genesis 2:24 (NIV)

To Unite: Spiritual Intimacy

“But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit.” 1 Corinthians 6:17 (NKJV)

The Hebrew word dabaq means to cling, cleave, and keep close. The Greek equivalent word is kollaó and means to to join oneself to; or fasten firmly together; to form an intimate connection with, enter into the closest relations with, unite oneself to; to give oneself steadfastly to. (Strong's Concordance 1692 and 2853)


Jesus began to show me what it means for me to live as His Bride (which all His people are, as One Body; see Ephesians 5:32; Revelation 19:7). He showed me how I had been living as ‘spiritually single’, and what it now meant to live as one who is completely and perfectly loved; completely and perfectly cared for.

He was answering my prayer from age 19 where I desired to know intimacy with Him before I got married. He knew that deeper than my desire to be married asap was my desire to know intimacy with Him before marriage, and to bring that into my marriage - to know intimacy with Jesus as the steadfast foundation in my life regardless of marital status.

In the Intensive 55 Day PureHeart Challenge (linked in Day 5), I share in depth the ways that this intimacy showed up in my life over a one-year period.

Talk with Jesus

Prayer: I believe Your Word that You love me. As I look back over our relationship, bring to my remembrance specific ways that You have shown me Your love. I ask for a fresh revelation of Your love, desire, delight for me.

  • What are You speaking to me about spiritual intimacy? How are You leading me to respond to Your love?
Diena 3Diena 5

Par šo plānu

Satisfied in the Midst of Singleness

Many singles are expecting to be fulfilled through the love and intimacy from their future spouse. If we seek satisfaction from any source other than God, we will find ourselves continuously thirsting. What does it look like to be satisfied in the Lord? This is PART 5 of the PureHeart Challenge – a 5-Part Bible Plan for men and women on the topic of sexuality and purity.
