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The BeatitudesParaugs

The Beatitudes

13 DIENA NO 28

Thirsty for God

Written By: Pastor Michael Rust

“I long for Your salvation, O Lord, and Your law is my delight.”—Psalm 119:174 (NKJV)

Whenever I’m not feeling well, the first question my wife asks me is if I have been drinking enough water. While the debate over how much water a person should drink rages on, no one will argue the point that water is essential to the health of our bodies. When we fail to drink enough water, we become dehydrated and our bodies can experience the effects.

The same is true when it comes to our daily intake of God’s Word in our lives. If I fail to spend time with the Lord, I will experience a “spiritual dehydration.” This is true of all people, whether we are followers of Christ or otherwise. Without God, we find ourselves in a pursuit to be satisfied with whatever seems to fill the void. A.W. Tozer put it this way: “The reason why many are still troubled, still seeking, still making little forward progress is because they haven't yet come to the end of themselves. We're still trying to give orders, and interfering with God's work within us.”

But if I spend time in prayer and in God’s Word, I find that I am refreshed and liberated. The truth of God’s Word sets me free. His law becomes my delight! I see the benefits and results of seeking God, which creates in me a greater longing for Him.

Arguably, the greatest longing for man is belonging. And God through Christ brings belonging into our lives through the work of the cross. Paul explains why: “But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:13 NKJV).

The gospel message draws together the law and God’s love through His saving grace. God opened the door for us to boldly come to Him at any time, in communion with Him. This open avenue of prayer draws us closer to Him and transforms us into His likeness. In the words of Leonard Ravenhill: “A sinning man will stop praying, and a praying man will stop sinning.”

Let us accept the invitation given in Revelation 22:17: “And the Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come!’ And let him who hears say, ‘Come!’ And let him who thirsts come. Whoever desires, let him take the water of life freely” (NKJV).

DIG: Are you regularly spending time in prayer and in the Word?

DISCOVER: Set aside several times a day to spend a few minutes with the Lord. 

DISPLAY: Share the benefits of the gospel message with someone today

Diena 12Diena 14

Par šo plānu

The Beatitudes

Go in-depth into one of the most famous sermons ever preached by Jesus, the Beatitudes. This passage is filled with practical and profound wisdom that every Christian can benefit from. We pray that as you take the time over the next few weeks to study these ten verses, that you would hear from the Lord and experience a deeper relationship with Him!
