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Our Daily Bread: Serving TogetherParaugs

Our Daily Bread: Serving Together


Washed in Love

You see that a person is considered righteous by what they do and not by faith alone. -James 2:24

A small church in Southern California recognized an opportunity to express God’s love in a practical way.

Believers in Jesus gathered at a local laundromat to give back to their community by washing clothes for those in financial need. They cleaned and folded clothes together, and sometimes provided a hot meal or bags of groceries for people.

A volunteer discovered the greatest reward was in the “actual contact with people . . . hearing their stories.” Because of their relationship with Jesus, these volunteers wanted to live out their faith through loving words and actions that helped them nurture genuine relationships with others.

The apostle James affirmed that every act of a professing believer’s loving service is a result of genuine faith. He stated that “faith, by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead” (James 2:17).

As God’s children, we can declare that what we believe makes us children of God, but it’s when we serve Him by serving others that we act as believers who trust and follow Jesus (v. 24).

Faith and service are as closely interdependent as the body and the spirit (v. 26), a beautiful display of the power of Christ as He works in and through us.

After personally accepting that God’s sacrifice on the cross washes us clean in perfect love, we can respond in authentic faith that overflows into the ways we serve others.

Xochitl Dixon

How has someone helped you be more open to knowing Jesus personally? How can you demonstrate your faith in Christ through loving words and actions?

Jesus, please flood our lives with Your perfect, cleansing love, so that we can pour it into the lives of others.

Diena 6Diena 8

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Our Daily Bread: Serving Together

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