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The Ways, Words, And Wants Of Young MenParaugs

The Ways, Words, And Wants Of Young Men


“The Words of Young Men”

As a young man of God, you must be very careful about the “words” that come out of your mouth and the impact they can have on your witness for Christ.

No matter where you go in the world, or what language you speak, there is one universal truth: young men run their mouths… a lot. Please understand, I’m not saying that to insult you. I’m just stating the obvious: guys like to talk. They talk about girls, talk about themselves, talk trash about each other; and, often, being “one of the guys” means that you’re expected to talk that way, too.

Watch out though: your mouth can very easily become the source of a major sin struggle. (Matthew 12:37)

You’ve probably been reminded since you were little to “choose your words carefully.” For Christians, that skill is essential! (Colossians 4:6) As a young man of God, your words reflect on the One you serve; they demonstrate how seriously you’re taking His instructions. (John 14:15)

Unlike the average guy, your “words” actually have Power behind them! (Let that sink in for a minute.) Consider the impact your words could have on a struggling Christian friend. Or the impression they might give a non-believer about what’s acceptable for “those Jesus-followers.” How might a careless word or two from you affect someone else’s decision to accept Christ?

What does the Bible have to say about your “words”?

God desires that your words should build others up – not tear them down. (Ephesians 4:29) He doesn’t like it when you brag all the time. (Jeramiah 9:23) He is not a fan of your dirty jokes (Ephesians 5:4) or of the suggestive comments you make about girls. (Proverbs 15:4) And He absolutely despises your use of profanity: especially when you use that same mouth in church soon after to praise Him. (James 3:10)

Keeping your tongue in-check is a sin struggle that Christian guys face the world over; it’s not just you. The next time you’re feeling tempted to say what you know you shouldn’t, try praying what King David prayed: “Take control of what I say, O Lord, and guard my lips.” (Psalm 141:3) Remember, too, that sometimes the wisest “words” are none at all. (Ecclesiastes 3:7)
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Par šo plānu

The Ways, Words, And Wants Of Young Men

Being a “man of God” can be tough. Being a “young man of God” can be even tougher. This devotional will focus on the three areas in which young men are most frequently tempted: their Ways (i.e., temper), their Words (i.e., language), and their Wants (i.e., physical and emotional desires). It will also discuss the appropriate Biblical response(s) to maintaining self-control and moral purity in the face of such temptations.
