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Building a Strong Godly LifeParaugs

Building a Strong Godly Life




There is a truth that needs to be remembered and planted in us as believers, that Lord Jesus has given victory to those who are called His children. We can see from the entire chapter in 1 Corinthians 15, that Christ's resurrection from the dead is the foundation of hope for the believers to experience victory.

What is so important about His resurrection? This is a question that needs to be investigated. Apostle Paul explained in the previous verse: “For He must reign till He has put all enemies under His feet.  The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.” (1 Corinthians 15:25-26). Death is the great "enemy" that is feared by man. The reason why humans can be weak, worried, hopeless, and even suffer is that they are overshadowed by death and do not know exactly where to go after death.

The death, resurrection, and ascension of Lord Jesus to heaven do not only purify humans from sin but also guarantee victory over the burdens of human life such as illness, weakness, rejection, guilt, inferiority, deficiency, etc. He has borne the struggles of our lives in His death. No matter what problems we are facing, we will always be able to find a solution with Jesus and come out as the victors. 


Let's learn three characteristics that we need to have to have victory as our part. 

1. Be steadfast 

The word BE STEADFAST in Greek is hedraios, which means to stay in one position continuously, to remain in one calm position, to remain in one faithful position, to remain in one steadfast position. We need to grow this character as long as we are given time in the world. It takes calmness, loyalty, and stead to be a victor. 

Often we become unfaithful amid tough problems. Maybe we prefer to step back from our ministry or run away from our responsibilities because we are no longer able to face these struggles. Often, we are not calm when we have to decide in the middle of a problem. We even become frustrated when we are faced with increasing pressures. 

The challenges we face in our lives are the tools used to train our characters so we can be mature and finally become the victors. Let us continue to be steadfast and commit to keeping believing in God, regardless of our life’s situation. 

2. Immovable

We often hear that many Christians have experienced difficulties and struggles during the Covid-19 pandemic. Few people have even lost their family members or close friends. These kinds of circumstances can make someone more courageous and have an increased level of faith or on the other side, can also make someone's faith waver.

Looking at the life of the Corinthians, we can see they believed more in the presence of the Lord and the promise of victory amid their tough trials, as written in 2 Corinthians 4:8-9, “We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed; we are perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed.”

What can we do in this difficult time to be able to produce something good and become a testimony to glorify the Lord? The answer is to be immovable. We will see the victory that comes from the Lord. 

3. Always abounding in the work of the Lord

In Greek the word ABOUNDING (perisseuo) means very abundant in quality and quantity, to keep on directing oneself to stay enthusiastic.

Romans 12:11 says, “Not lagging in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord.” This means we are not supposed to complain, grumble, nor be calculative in serving the Lord. Even though we are faced with a lot of friction in our ministries. we must still have a fervent spirit for the Lord. 

Always abound in the works of the Lord, knowing our labor is not in vain in the Lord.


Brothers and sisters, there is no victory without serious training. Therefore, we need to be serious to follow the Lord. Lord Jesus has guaranteed that victory, our part is to enter into the mental training of a victor. 

God's part is to provide victory, our part is to shape the character and mentality of a victor so when the Lord’s kairos comes, our lives will shine forth the light of Christ and glorify Him.

Starting from today, let’s train our faith so that we can be steadfast, immovable, and always abounding in the work of the Lord. Do not let Christ's death, resurrection, and ascension be in vain. Let us live as victorious people.  

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