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Why You Matter


Day Six: The Joy in Our Hardship

As you question the significance of your life because of the pain endured, know that you are welcome here. It makes sense that you would have questions and doubt.

I’d like to provide some thoughts of comfort toward the idea of pain and why a good God allows suffering. First, God knows pain. This is the same world where Jesus Christ suffered and died for our sins and in which God raised Jesus Christ from the dead. And if that is possible, then I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). The context of that verse, by the way, is suffering.

Second, my hardship is not pointless. In a world of freedom where God allows the consequences of our freedom to be felt, He can take the worst things imaginable and use them for our good. All pain is redeemable in Christ.

Third, my hardship does not rob me of a meaningful life. My ability to love God and love others is not eliminated by disability, failure, sickness, loneliness, anxiety, depression, or any other kind of hardship.  Fourth, my hardship is not punishment. In fact, there is a clear example in the New Testament where Jesus corrected this sort of thinking. 

In John 9, Jesus and His disciples came upon a blind man. The disciples asked Jesus if his blindness was the result of his or his parents’ sin. Jesus said it was neither, but that the works of God might be displayed in him. We need to hear and embrace this. There is no condemnation for those in Jesus Christ (Romans 8:1). Now, it is likely true that your sin has created some of your pain. But God is not punishing you. Turn to Him. Repent of your sins. Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, and may God comfort you as He redeems the pain you or another caused.

Pain does not have the final say nor is it wasted if you trust in the Lord. It can bring you joy. Don’t miss it. You can look to “Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).

You can’t solve the problem of pain in a day; understanding it and gaining freedom takes time. Ask Jesus to help you with your pain, to let you know that you have not been left alone.

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Par šo plānu

Why You Matter

What makes life meaningful? Having a definitive answer to that question is fundamental to a life of value and significance. This week, pastor, apologist, and teacher Michael Sherrard walks us through the process of asking good questions to gain better answers. Life is only meaningful if God exists, and that essential fact provides clarity for the most important questions we will examine together, discovering meaning and hope along the way.
