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Devotions for the Distracted HeartParaugs

Devotions for the Distracted Heart



Day 3 - The Distraction of Debris

Walking along the Florida Panhandle shoreline at low tide following a storm isn’t always the most picturesque time to enjoy the beach. Instead of leisurely hiking along the white sand, welcoming the foaming waves of the surf, I found myself meandering around driftwood, broken shells, krill, and even washed up jellyfish. For me, the piles of debris were an eyesore. I was disappointed because I had brought my camera and hoped to capture the beauty of the seashore.

But when the birds descended upon the piles of wood and seaweed and scampered around finding delicious morsels hidden in the nooks and crannies, I discovered that there were treasures in the midst of this unpleasant debris. Their antics were entertaining and I was reminded of how God cares for the birds. The food certainly wasn’t a Pinterest presentation, but the birds were more than satisfied. I realized that the Lord often meets my needs when I pray, but because it isn’t delivered the way I think it should be, I miss His providence. 

When I saw people with bags sifting through the debris as if hunting for gold, I looked closer for the hidden treasures. There were shark eyes, olives, and angel wings shells, along with sand dollars mixed in with the debris. One woman found a perfect conch shell buried deep in the sand, underneath the tangles and piles of broken shells and twigs. This was another reminder that God’s promises and answers to prayers may not always be easy to discern. Sometimes it requires me to dig down deep and sift through the rubble to discover God’s treasures and lessons.  

In Psalm 139, the Psalmist writes that the Lord searches us and knows our every movement. Sometimes I need to search for Him with the same passion. 


Dear Lord, 

When I make a mess of things and cant seem to find you, thank you for revealing your promises to me, even though they may be camouflaged in the debris. Help me realize that You are always there even in the mess! 


Discussion and Journaling Question:

What hidden promise might God have for you today?

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Devotions for the Distracted Heart

The demands of daily life can be overwhelming and our prayer life can seem disjointed. The distractions are not just limited to external factors but include internal struggles. These issues often crowd out that still small voice of God, creating a sense of a vulnerability that leads to discouragement. Peg Arnold's fresh approach will challenge, inspire, and help to focus on God’s presence in the midst of distractions.


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