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14 Days to PeaceParaugs

14 Days to Peace

10 DIENA NO 14

Though global pandemic has riddled the world with uncertainty and suffering, God’s mercy will triumph. 

My wife and I declared one Tuesday mid-quarantine to take a “day off.” I hadn’t really taken a day off since the pandemic started impacting our lives. My day off turned out to be far better than hers. I played golf. She ran essential errands. 

The first essential errand—her car had a flat tire. We took it to the tire shop in Clemmons. Then she dropped me back at home (so I could play golf) and she went to the grocery store—uh, make that three grocery stores—looking for toilet paper and chicken. 

As she exited the third grocery store, Lowe’s Foods in Clemmons, she heard a strange popping sound. Soon, sirens were shrieking, and lights were flashing everywhere. 

Later, she learned the tragic news. A driver of a red truck, who was on the run from a deputy sheriff, crashed in front of the Lowe’s Foods, and as Anne exited the store, a shootout was taking place on the street below her. 

Anne slipped out of the danger zone through several parking lots so she could run her third errand—pick up food at Dairi-O! 

As Anne was pulling into the long Dairi-O pick-up line, suddenly, clonk!—a car rear-ended her. Ugh. Some day off, huh? The driver of the offending vehicle got out. He was a teenager. Anne said he was trembling nervously. He was sorry. 

Anne notice little damage to our car but noticeable damage to the other car’s front bumper. 

“We won’t call the police,” Anne said. “Let me just get a photo of your driver’s license and insurance card.” 

One of the two passengers got out of the other car and said, “Actually, it’s my car. My friend is driving it because I feel so sick.” 

He looked sick. He coughed a few times. 

“Well, let me just get a picture of your insurance information card,” Anne said. 

“I don’t think I have it,” the sick teenager said. 

He had none. Anne got back in the car and proceeded in the drive-thru as did the boys behind her. 

When she paid for our order, Anne said to the attendant, “I’d like to pay for the order in the car behind me.” 

So, my sweet, ridiculous wife picked up the tab for the people who rear-ended her in the Dairi-O parking lot. When I asked her why she did it, Anne said: “They were so young and worried, I just wanted them to see some mercy.” 

Mercy shines brightest in the darkest moments. Watch for God’s grace as we watch for normal life to resume, and find a way to show mercy to someone. His mercy is going to triumph. And that’s the Gospel!

Questions for Reflection:

1) How have you seen mercy on display in your own life?

2) Anne knows she has been shown mercy, so she showed mercy in return. Galatians 6:7 says that “whatever one sows, that will he also reap.” List some ways you could practically sow what you’ve reaped. 

3) Take some time to confess your sins to the Lord. He is both just and merciful. 

Diena 9Diena 11