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Kingdom Prayers Paraugs

Kingdom Prayers

21 DIENA NO 30

Lord, receive the reward of Your suffering. May unfathomable numbers of people submit willingly and joyfully to Your reign. Let Your rule be acknowledged by all and Your will advanced throughout the earth. Use me as You desire in this cause. Whether by my success or suffering, whether by my health or by my illness and pain, whether in my life or death, be glorified. Show me how to labor to this end, and strengthen me to do so. Allow me to play the part You intend in bringing all things into subjection to Your loving authority and power.

Since I am entirely Yours, let me accept with equal joy whatever circumstances You allow, knowing that You can be as greatly glorified in sacrifice as in victory. Give me wisdom to perceive what is from Your hand and what derives from the attacks of the enemy, so that I might not accept any barrier or burden by which he might seek to hinder me. Purify my soul from discouragement, bitterness, or fear by fixing my desires only on You. Give me contentment with Your good gifts.

Show me both what to do and what not to do so that I may invest all the capacity You give me in what is worthy. Give me fulfillment in Your calling and presence. Thank You for the privilege of serving You, but even more of being Your child and working with You in this world. Prepare me to serve You well, not only in this world but also in the next, where Your will is expressed in fully restored perfection of all creation. Create in me now a shadow or an aspect of that condition, as a testimony and trophy of Your grace.


Eternal God, I cannot fathom the fact that You are outside time, able to see the end from the beginning. You are the great I AM living in the eternal now. Your victory is already won. Your purpose is already accomplished. You have not only “read the end of the book” but You wrote it.  

Teach me to live by faith in the light of eternity. Help me keep my eyes fixed on eternal things and my hope fixed upon them. Tutor me to tune my heart to Your ceaseless praise. Guide me to walk in the reality of Your promises that are not yet visible to my earthly eyes. Grant me the ability to communicate eternal truth to people who are looking merely at temporal realities. Use me as a purveyor of hope and faith to people trapped in the present.

Diena 20Diena 22

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Kingdom Prayers

We all know how important and powerful prayer is. The disciples didn't ask Jesus to teach them how to preach, they asked Him to teach them how to pray. Prayer changes things and Jesus was always praying. Let's be like Jesus and learn how to pray Kingdom Prayers.
