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15 Days of Supernatural EncountersParaugs

15 Days of Supernatural Encounters

12 DIENA NO 15

Day 12: It’s Time to Be Bold as a Lion!

For Day 12 of our 15 days of supernatural encounters, I felt the Lord wanted to talk to you about being bold as a lion.


Just as much as God is the Great Door-Closer, He is also the Great Door-Opener. But if you want to benefit from the doors He opens for you, you’ve got to be one thing:


Well, maybe more than one thing. There’s also faithfulness and diligence and holiness and a myriad of other things that matter to God.

But those things keep you on the journey in the long run. For the “short run,” in order to even begin walking down the road God has for you …

… the road of blessing …

… the road of favor …

… the road of greater influence …

… the road of increased vision …

… the road of greater intimacy with God …

… then beloved, you’ve got to be bold as a lion.

And lions roar over their prey. They roar over their territory. They roar over what belongs to them.

What are you roaring over today?

Are you roaring over your new opportunity? Are you roaring over your destiny and call in Christ? Are you roaring over your relationship with God?

And some more examples:

  • If you’re a mom or dad, are you roaring over your kids in the Spirit–refusing to allow the enemy to gain any foothold in their lives?
  • If you’re a Bible teacher, are you roaring over your blog, small group, or ministry?
  • If you’re an entrepreneur, are you roaring over your business? Are you giving it everything you’ve got, with FOCUS?
  • If you’re a songwriter, are you roaring over your call? Are you determined that you ain’t gonna let those rocks out-praise you, and that you’ll sit alone with God, in the secret place, and write His songs no matter what?

These things are your “prey,” figuratively speaking! They are what belongs to you! It’s time to ROAR!

Here’s the key: When God opens doors, He expects you to walk through them.

And walking through an open door can be a challenging thing to do. But you know what? Challenge is what it’s all about! Being bold is an opportunity to grow your spiritual muscles!

Think about it this way:

What good does it do if God opens a door for you and you refuse to go through that door? Can you imagine how Papa must feel when that happens?

Imagine Him standing beside the door He’s just opened for you. He’s all smiles, aglow with excitement. Only He can see what’s on the other side of that door, but He’s got happy surprises all gift-wrapped for you in there. He’s been working on this surprise for you since eternity past! 

But what happens if we stand in front of the door like little children, grab our shirt or our skirts in our fists, twist our bodies back and forth in indecision, look up at Papa, and …

… despite the fact that we see Him motioning us forward …

… despite the brilliant light shining from His face, showing how excited He is for us …

… we shake our heads “no,” bow our little chins down low, and refuse to enter?

How sad is that! But we do it often.

Beloved, it’s time to kick cowardice and timidity to the curb. It’s time to be bold as a lion.

It’s time to honor the Great Door-Opener by being bold enough to walk through the doors He has prepared for us.

Are you willing?

Are you willing to advance, to move, to boldly go where you have never gone before?

You won’t be alone on this journey. Papa God has gone before you. He is your advance guard and your rearguard. He will never leave you nor forsake you. He knows the end from the beginning, and He’s. got. this. He’s got YOU. You are safe, and underneath you are His everlasting arms.

Will you step forward today?

Pray this to the Great Door-Opener, the Lion of Judah:

“Heavenly Father, in Jesus’ name, I acknowledge you as the One who opens doors for me that no man can shut.

Father, I know You have been showing me open doors. I commit to You right now that I will walk through the door You are showing me. Please help me be bold. Fill me with Your Spirit, and with all the fruit of the Spirit–including Your big fierceness. Lion of Judah, roar over me right now and fill me up with Your breath.

Lord, I confess that You have not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, love, and of a sound mind. You have filled me with the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead. So today I choose to walk in Your power and follow You wherever You lead.

Please help me, Father. Give me grace, grace, and more grace. Help me to obey You in all things.

Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ name, amen.”


If you're listening to your favorite music streaming service today, listen to the Newsboys singing "God's Not Dead." Let the precious Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ, ROAR inside your heart as you worship!

Diena 11Diena 13

Par šo plānu

15 Days of Supernatural Encounters

The series contains short, encouraging devotionals, prayers, and Scripture passages that will help you encounter God in mighty ways--on HIS supernatural territory! As you walk through this series, let the Scriptures inspire and challenge your faith, so that the Holy Spirit can take you to a new level of intimacy with Jesus.
