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21 Prayers Every Christain Should PrayParaugs

21 Prayers Every Christain Should Pray

20 DIENA NO 21


Today’s Scripture Reading: 1 Kings 19:11-13

One important skill required for every healthy relationship is the skill of listening. Whether it’s in marriage, or parenting, or friendships or with coworkers - every relationship hinges on the ability to listen to the other. Now, listening is different than hearing. We hear many things without any effort at all and they are like white noise in the background of our minds. Listening, on the other hand, is an intentional action based on a decision to care about what the other person is trying to communicate.

The same holds true for our relationship with God. He wants to speak to us, but are we really listening? How much do we miss because we are too busy, preoccupied, or have just become insensitive to His voice? 

Elijah learned that the voice of God doesn’t necessarily come in a loud, booming voice from heaven. More often then not, God is speaking to us in gentle whispers. And hearing a whisper requires getting quiet and getting close and listening.

So today, let’s ask God to help us become better listeners.

Today’s Prayer Focus: Help Me Hear Your Voice

Diena 19Diena 21

Par šo plānu

21 Prayers Every Christain Should Pray

Twenty-one simple, Bible-based prayers that will enrich your prayer life and help you draw closer to God.

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