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Jesus' Letter To You - Prophetic Gallery SeriesParaugs

Jesus' Letter To You - Prophetic Gallery Series


Letter to the Church of Sardis

Thoughts on the Passage

Jesus had some tougher things to say to the church at Sardis. 

The reputation of the church was a good reputation in the eyes of people around. They were vibrant and lots of things were happening - yet in God’s eyes they were near death. They looked too much like the city where they lived and not enough like Jesus. This is a stinging rebuke. Jesus calls them to wake up, strengthen their spiritual walk, and walk in clean garments – like some people in the church walked.

There are two parts of this letter to the church of Sardis that cause a lot of misunderstanding.

First, Jesus warns that He will come like a thief if they do not take His warning seriously. They understood this warning because it comes right out of their history. The fortified city located here was taken only twice in its history – both times like a thief entering the house. The people were caught completely off guard and the city was taken easily. Jesus warns them, that He will come just like that if they do not clean up His church.

Second, Jesus says that He will never blot out the name of people who followed Him wholeheartedly from the Book of Life. This seems to be a warning that their names can be taken from the Book of Life – the book with the names of God’s children who will go to heaven. Actually, the real meaning is somewhat different. The Jewish people had a special agreement with the Romans – Rome did not force them to worship Caesar. The synagogue leaders would keep a list of the names of people who were part of the synagogue – and these people did not face persecution from the Romans. Christians (who came out of the Jewish synagogue) were in a very dangerous position. Their names were often removed from this list – they were blotted out. The more closely they followed Jesus, the more likely they had their names removed – and they often faced severe persecution as a result. Here, Jesus is saying that those who follow Him diligently, they will never have their names removed from the Book of Life like they did from the synagogue’s list. Instead, they would be honored by Jesus Himself before the Father. That was Jesus’ promise.

The video link gives the history of Sardis and the fortress of king Crousus of Lydia. This town grew up around this fortress and the history of this fortress is part of the message Jesus has to this church.


Father, it is easier to look like the city we live in than it does to look like Jesus. Some people see that as a sign of success. You see it as a sign of failure. You want us dressed in white robes – clothes that do not have a spot or wrinkle. There is a cost for this kind of life. Even some of God’s people will turn against us. They will try to protect themselves, rather than let the name of Jesus define them. Father, that is so hard to accept when that happens. Why the Jewish people kicked out their own people – because of Jesus – would be heart-breaking. It happens today too. Protect Your children and keep them. Help them to remember that You have great promises for them. Help them to never, ever let the challenges of following Jesus stop them. May they be dressed in white robes – pure and spotless. May they know that You will never, ever leave or forsake them. May I look like them too. I pray in Jesus' Name, Amen. 

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Jesus' Letter To You - Prophetic Gallery Series

Letter writing is a form of communication that is lost. So when you receive a personal letter from someone who loves you, it is truly something to treasure. Jesus took the time to “write” personal letters to each of the seven churches. These letters contained unique messages each church needed to hear. In Plan 2 of 13 devotions taking us through Revelations, let’s see how these letters can help us today.  
