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True Prosperity vs. The Riches of This WorldPavyzdys

True Prosperity vs. The Riches of This World

9 diena iš 9

Peter and John, Poor but Rich

Listen to our friend Unathi tell us what Peter and John had that was better than money.

Even though Peter and John were in the inner circle of the Son of God himself, they didn’t have money to give to a beggar at the temple (Acts 3:6). Jesus was all they had to give. The disciples gave the beggar something far better than money. As a result, the crippled man walked into God’s house with them, praising God.

The disciples’ mission was to share the good news of Jesus, the true prosperity, and when they did, many people believed—not in money, but in Jesus.

Read More

If you’d like to read more about what happened to Peter and John and the crippled man, take a look at Acts 3:1–21 and 4:1–21.

For more stories about true prosperity, visit

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