Integrity in Your WorkplacePavyzdys

Integrity in Your Workplace

5 diena iš 5

Like A Candle In Front of A Fire Hose


Mark 8:36 [NLT] And what do you benefit if you gain the whole world but lose your own soul?

I Corinthians 15:33-34 [NKJV] Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.” Awake to righteousness, and do not sin; for some do not have the knowledge of God. I speak this to your shame.


Over the years I have worked many jobs. In one I had two bosses who were exceptionally corrupt. Both men lied, cheated, and stole from their customers and employees without remorse. They encouraged a culture of corruption that was endemic throughout the business. They encouraged small compromises among their employees, at first, and once an employee was compromised, they rewarded further corruption and used it to blackmail them.

The problem was the job had great potential for my future if I stuck with it for a season. I kept telling myself I could be a Light for Christ in an evil place – until one day I realized I would not survive unless I became corrupt to the core like my bosses. My Light for Christ was like a candle in front of a fire hose; it could not stay lit in that environment. I had to choose between a career opportunity and my soul. I chose my soul.

People thought I was crazy to resign, and they told me so. “Just keep your head down and look what you will gain if you stick with it!” I did have a lot to gain, but I had even more to lose. I left knowing God wanted me to leave.

Some people are specially called to be the Light of Christ in certain dark places. Maybe your place of work is one of these dark places and you are letting your Light shine. However, to be a Light you need to be a Lighthouse – built for the storms—not a candle. Letting your Light shine can be tough, but God prepares and molds us to be that Lighthouse in the storm when we need to go into the darkness so we won’t be extinguished like a candle in front of a firehose. God never wants to see our Light put out, so He is constantly building us stronger to withstand what comes at us.

If you are working in a dark place today, ask God to mold and build you into a Lighthouse that can stand the storms and stay lit.


Lord, help me to always be a Light for You wherever I am. Help me to never compromise my commitment to You. Help me to know when it is time to stay and be Your Light and when it is time to go. Mold me into a Lighthouse that is strong for You. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Kevin Cooney

Diena 4

Apie šį planą

Integrity in Your Workplace

A short five-day plan reflecting on our workplace attitudes and integrity as Christians. If you enjoy this devotional, you can find more like it in: The Christ Worker: Devotions for Career and Workplace. (Available on Amazon; all royalties are donated to charity).
