Finding Security, Freedom, and Identity in God's SightPavyzdys

Finding Security, Freedom, and Identity in God's Sight

4 diena iš 5

Day 4: Insecure in Self; Secure in God

Have you ever ridden the roller coaster of insecurity? Do you know what it is to wonder whether someone is laughing at you or with you? To walk away from a party wondering whether you were winsome or wearying? My guess is that, like me, you have. So how do we get off this ride?

For me, I had to remember the Lord’s promise in Jeremiah 33:6: that His people will “enjoy abundant peace and security” (niv). I had to ask myself, Am I finding my security in the Lord or in something (or someone) else?

Then, I had to redefine insecurity. I’ve learned that insecurity and pride are often different sides of the same coin. Pride declares, “I am something.” Insecurity demurs, “I am nothing.” Self is the preeminent source of both. I want to pause here and note that I am not saying that this somewhat simplistic understanding of insecurity, in and of itself, is an antidote to the poison of insecurity. But with this fresh understanding of insecurity, I understood there was, with Christ, a much deeper work to do.

In my own life, when the Lord is doing a new thing (like moving me from insecurity to security), He often does it in a new way. For example, rather than allowing me to retreat into a cave of insecurity, He might lead me to places where my insecurity is brought into the light and can no longer be hidden. For me it feels counterintuitive to deal with insecurity in the places where I would feel most insecure—Lord, can we do this in private, please, and then step out, healed and whole?—but there goes God, doing things in a new way. Showing me that He is with me in those very shaky, sometimes public moments. Reminding me the two points on which I, and you, can anchor ourselves in security: our chosenness and our fruitfulness in God.


How might God be leading you to security in a new way?


Lord, I am tired of riding the roller coaster of insecurity. Help me remember that my security comes from You, not the world, and show me how You want to lead me to security.

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Finding Security, Freedom, and Identity in God's Sight

Discover unparalleled security and freedom in a world of chaos. You're seen by the God of the universe, offering solace and belonging. Delve into Hagar's story, finding God in loneliness. Realize your significance through Colossians 3:3. Embrace hidden seasons like Joseph and Moses did. Confront insecurity, finding security in God alone. Step into unbound freedom, knowing you're loved beyond measure. Join the journey of discovery and transformation with Allison.
