I BELIEVE • DEVOTIONAL: A 14 Day Devotional With Phil WickhamPavyzdys

I BELIEVE • DEVOTIONAL: A 14 Day Devotional With Phil Wickham

2 diena iš 14


In February of 2022, I was invited to the Grammys because my song, “Hymn Of Heaven”, was up for an award for “Christian Song Of The Year”. It was the first time I had ever been nominated! I was looking forward to the event, but honestly, I was way more excited for an excuse to have a weekend away with my wife, Mallory. After a few smaller pre-event gatherings, the time came for the actual televised Grammy broadcast, and I didn’t know what to expect. As a musician and a music fan, I walked in excited to see the show. This was supposed to be the top-tier event with the best of the best of the music industry in attendance.

As the night went on, however, I couldn’t help but feel a growing heaviness in my heart. In the midst of all this talent and creativity, there was an absence of acknowledging the Creator behind it all. Greater than any other time in my life, my heart broke for anyone who doesn’t know Jesus! I walked in ready to see a show. I walked out wanting to shout the name of Jesus from the rooftops! I knew in my heart I needed a song that would say all that I was feeling.

The next day I wrote the song “I Believe”. All I wanted to do was boast in Jesus! I’m so proud of Him! I’m proud of who He is, of what He did, and all that He stands for! It doesn’t take much to realize the world is searching for hope, for truth, and for purpose. I believe with all my heart that all those things and more can be found in the person of Jesus Christ. The world is desperate for a group of people armed with love, humility, grace, and the power of the Holy Spirit to stand and say, “This is who Jesus is! This is why I follow Him! And this is why you should too!”

The biblical idea of “belief” does not stop with our minds. It must move us to action and trust. On one occasion, Jesus spoke to a man deep in despair saying in Mark 5:36 (NIV), “Don’t be afraid; just believe!” Belief in the original language of the New Testament (pisteuō, in Greek) was so much more than intellectual agreement or an elite spiritual status. It meant DEEP TRUST. Imagine a bridge. True “belief” in that bridge is not just acknowledging that it exists, but it is taking steps of faith to walk across. True belief in Jesus is the same. We must place the full weight of our life upon Him! This is why this song calls the Church to declare BOLDLY…

No, I’ll never be ashamed
Of the gospel of Jesus Christ
How could I ever walk away
From the One who saved my life?

It’s time to stop putting our belief in human achievement, social status, worldly pleasure, and hollow power. We must place the full weight of our life on the One who is worthy of our song, our life, our deep trust—our BELIEF.

Key Questions:

1. Was there a time in your life when you realized what you were chasing after didn’t fully satisfy?

2. How does what and who you believe in affect your everyday life? 3. What is something that you have been so excited about that you just had to tell someone? Pray that the Holy Spirit would ignite that kind of fresh passion for the Gospel in your heart again!

4. What are some ways that the reality of who Christ is could cultivate renewed joy, wonder, and praise in the daily, ordinary rhythms of your life?

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