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Daily Prayers for MenPavyzdys

Daily Prayers for Men

8 diena iš 10

Stay Humble

"For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted." LUKE 14:11 NLT

Jesus set the example for humble living, even though He was God in human form. He had every reason to exalt Himself. Instead, He set aside His heavenly privileges to come to earth as one of us—because that was the only way we could be saved. He chose to serve others. He washed His disciples’ feet. He allowed Himself to be crucified. And throughout His life, He directed praise and glory to His heavenly Father. Jesus understood something essential about His Father—something He wants His followers to understand as well. When God gets 100 percent of the glory and honor—100 percent of the credit—amazing things happen. Broken lives are healed. Broken relationships are mended. Hope finds its way into hopeless situations. Only God can do the work necessary, so only He should get the praise. Your job is to do His will, to point the way to Him, and to lead the applause for Him when He delivers. That’s what it means to be humble.

God, thank You for Your work in my life. I know that everything good in it is from You. Give me the perspective to see just how much good there is. I want to fully appreciate all that You do so that I’m not tempted to take credit for it. Thank You for the constant reminders in Your Word to praise and glorify You. Help me find new and creative ways to do that. Let me never lose my sense of humility.

Make me useful to You - that's all I ask. Amen.

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