Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled LivingPavyzdys

Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled Living

25 diena iš 30

The third activity that will help you to “grasp” God’s Word is studying. Studying is a great way to gain a deeper understanding of the Bible, but it will take a little extra effort on your part. The benefits of this extra time and focus will far outweigh the cost. As you study the Bible, you will begin to understand the deeper meanings in the text, and also the larger story of the Bible.

A strategy that can be helpful to get more out of the Bible as you study is to do three things as your study the text: Observe, Analyze and Apply. That might seem complicated, but it can be simplified with three questions to ask while studying. ask a series of questions about what you are reading in the text.

First, observe by asking, “What does the passage say?” As you observe, you are simply looking for details of the events. Observation questions may include “who, what, where, when, why, how.”

After observing what is happening in the text, analyze the passage. The question that helps analyze the text is, “What does the passage mean?” This might include looking at the context around the verses you are studying to help determine the larger point being made by the author. It might also require you to think through the meaning of an analogy, metaphor, or story told in the passage you are reading. For example, if the story involves sheep and a shepherd, you might realize that the meaning of the text is about your relationship with Jesus- the good shepherd.

Finally, try to understand how to apply what you have learned from the passage to your own life. A key application question is, “What should I do about this?” For instance, if the main point of the passage is to love your neighbor as you love yourself, you may begin thinking about who God is calling you to be more loving to.

Today, use this strategy to help you study the passage in Luke 19. As you read, observe what is being said, analyze what the passage means, and ask the Holy Spirit to help you know how to apply this to your life. If you feel God has given you an application point, we encourage you to take action!

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Discovery Pathway Classes - Baptism and Spirit-Filled Living

Spiritual growth does not happen by accident! Jesus made it clear that the pathway to spiritual growth comes through abiding with him. This study will help you abide with Jesus each day and grow as his disciple in four aspects of the faith: Understanding the significance of baptism. Learning to live a Holy Spirit-directed life. Experiencing the power of prayer. Hearing God's voice through his Word.
