I AM: Who Jesus Is Changes EverythingPavyzdys

I AM: Who Jesus Is Changes Everything

4 diena iš 5

The Resurrection and the Life
Imagine that you have a brother you love dearly. One day, he becomes sick, and while you thought his sickness would not be severe, he soon takes a turn for the worse. You know that there is someone—Jesus—who could save your brother. He has performed miracles in the past, so surely He can come and keep your brother alive. You send word to Jesus about your brother, but He does not come. It is not until after your brother passes that Jesus arrives. How would you feel?

Both Mary and Martha had to experience the death of their brother, knowing that if only Jesus had come, their brother would still be alive. However, Jesus’s delay was part of His plan. He intentionally allows Lazarus, Mary and Martha’s brother, to die so that He can perform an incredible miracle. But before Jesus performs this miracle, He tests Martha’s faith. He declares, “I am the resurrection and the life” (John 11:25), which means He has the ability to make alive what was once dead. Martha believes Jesus’s words, and she is able to see Jesus prove that His words are true as He goes on to resurrect Lazarus from the grave.

What Jesus does for Lazarus is what He does for every follower of Christ. Through His death and resurrection, Jesus gives us forgiveness that rescues us from spiritual death. Because Jesus is alive, we have been given spiritual life now, and we will be physically raised from death in the future when Christ returns; death no longer has a hold on us. In light of the life we have received, we are able to live in light of Christ’s resurrection. We are able to be people of hope and joy as we journey through this life, knowing that not only are we saved but that we will also be with the Lord one day, fully renewed (1 Corinthians 15:51–54). As we live our lives in the present with joy, following in Christ’s ways, we point others to our great Savior, who enables all who trust in Him to be truly alive.

Reflect and Respond

How should you respond to the life that Jesus has given you? What does it look like to live in light of Christ’s resurrection?

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